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MS Access - Microsoft Access specific software
Specific Database Software - Specific database management software
SQL - Structured Query Language, not brand specific
Data Mining for the Corporate Masses? ( NealLeavitt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2002-05)
Long-Term Data Preservation Efforts Ramping Up ( Greg Goth ; IEEE Software Magazine 2002-03)
Designing Data Warehouses with OO Conceptual Models ( JuanTrujillo, ManuelPalomar, JaimeGomez, Il-YeolSong ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-12)
Seven Steps to Optimizing Data Warehouse Performance ( RobArmstrong ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-12)
Multidimensional Database Technology ( Torben BachPedersen, Christian S.Jensen ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-12)
Managing Government Databases ( Athman Bouguettaya, Mourad Ouzzani, Brahim Medjahed, Jerry Cameron ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-02)
Selecting and Implementing an Embedded Database System ( Michael A. Olson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-09)
Whatever Happened to Object-Oriented Databases? ( Neal Leavitt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-08)
Embedded Databases Come out of Hiding ( Sixto Ortiz ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-03)
Misconceptions About Real-Time Databases ( John A. Stankovic, Sang Hyuk Son, Jorgen Hansson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1999-06)
An OO Database Migrates to the Web ( Maria A. Cobb, Harold Foley, Ruth Wilson, Miyi Chung, Kevin B. Shaw ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-05)
Changing Database Market Hurts Major Vendors ( John Edwards ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1998-03)
Correct Program Slicing of Database Operations ( Hee Beng Kuan Tan, Tok Wang Ling ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-03)
Adding a Relational Interface to a Nonrelational Database ( Joseph Fong ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-09)
Visualizing the Structure of Large Relational Databases ( Jacqueline M. Antis, Stephen G. Eick, John D. Pyrce ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-01)
Maintaining Data-Driven Rules in Databases ( Avigdor Gal, Opher Etzion ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-01)
Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: Evolution and Performance Issues ( A.R. Hurson, Simin H. Pakzad, Jia-bing Cheng ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1993-02)
A Taxonomy and Current Issues in Multidatabase Systems ( M.W. Bright, A.R. Hurson, Simin H. Pakzad ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1992-03)
Architecture of an Open Object-Oriented Database Management System ( David L. Wells, José A. Blakeley, Craig W. Thompson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1992-010)
With XML, is the Time Right for Hierarchical DBs? [2001/11/15]
Are There Large RDBMS Using Linux? [2001/11/02]
Open Source OLAP Solutions? [2001/10/21]
Tuning Linux for Databases? [ 2000/08/29]
Prior Art to Squash Database Patent? [ 2000/08/28]
30+ GB Databases On Unix? [ 2000/07/26]
Relational Database Patterns? [ 2000/07/26]
Is there An Enterprise-Level Open Source RDBMS? [ 2000/03/27]
Questions about Database Implementation. [ 2000/01/22]
Linux Databases with Huge Tables? [ 1999/10/12]
Serving Graphics to Website from a Database? [ 1999/08/28]
Pure Object Databases in Linux? [ 1999/05/06]
GT.M High end database + MUMPS compiler - GT.M[tm] is a vetted, industrial strength, transaction processing application platform consisting of a database engine optimized for high TP throughput and a compiler for the M (aka MUMPS) programming language. GT.M is open-souce freeware on x86/Linux {(L)GPL}
Quantum Database Utility {(L)GPL}
Hyperschema Database Mapper - Creates really cool and useful hypermaps from SQL database schema, consists of a small PL/SQL metadata extractor and a C postprocessor file. {oss}
gnomedb-0.2.96 - Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME environment
libgda-0.2.96 - Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
ruby-dbd_proxy-0.0.13 - Proxy/Server driver for DBI-for-Ruby
p5-DBIWrapper-0.16 - Perl extension for generic DBI database access
dbconnect-0.2.0 - Use C++ object API to allow applications to connect to databases
ruby-rdbc1-001103 - Ruby Database Connectivity
rrdtool-1.0.33 - Round Robin Database Tools
jdbcpool-0.94 - JDBC connection pool
libdbi-0.6.2 - Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
libudbc-4.1 - Openlink UDBC SDK
p5-GraphViz-DBI-0.01 - GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and relations
p5-POE-Component-DBIAgent-0.11 - POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls
jlook - Journal lookup-program with database {oss}
reldb - Relational database and graphing tools {oss}
jvSQL - A java application that makes database modulation easy! {OpenSource}
R&R SQL Edition Version 9.0 five user
Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition
DBedit - A system for integrating development web database applications
db4o - database for objects - db4o - database for objects - is a Java object database. Features: automatic object recognition, query-by-example interface, navigation, JDBC interface, free edition for non-commercial use, micro-edition < 60k [Java] {nc}
Crystal Reports 8.5 Pro Upgrade
Crystal Reports 8.5 Pro French
Seagate Crystal Reports 8 Developer Edition Upgrade Spanish (5-user)
Seagate Crystal Reports 8 Professional Spanish (5-user)
Seagate Crystal Reports 8.0 Web Server Spanish (10-named User License)
Seagate Crystal Report 8.0 Web Server Spanish (10-user License with Sub)
Crystal Reports 8.5 Reporting Essentials CBT CD
Seagate Crystal Reports 8 Developer Edtion Spanish Version (5-user)
Seagate Crystal Reports 8 Developer Edition Spanish (5-user)
jBase - Application Development and Database Independent Management System {free to use but restricted}
Crystal Reports 8.5 Pro Upgrade French
Crystal Reports 8.5 Pro Upgrade French (5-user)
Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition French
Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition Upgrade French
Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition French (5-user)
Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition with Maintenance (5-user)
DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition 7.1 Upgrade from 5.0 or 6.0 English Program Pack
Borland Delphi 6 Enterprise New User
Crystal Reports 8.5 Pro French (5-user)
Borland Delphi 6 Enterprise Upgrade
eCubes - Cube Building Service
libsdb-0.2.2 - Simple database library
p5-DBIx-Recordset-0.24 - Perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access
p5-Tie-DBI-0.91 - Perl module implementing Tie hash to a DBI handle
p5-DBIx-DataSource-0.02 - Database-independent create and drop functions
p5-DBIx-AnyDBD-2.00 - DBD independant class
p5-AsciiDB-TagFile-1.06 - Perl tie class for a simple ASCII database
p5-DBI-1.21 - The perl5 Database Interface. Required for DBD::* modules
SDBM_File - SDBM is a Simple Database Manager bundled with Perl. There are other, better database managers, but if you're designing a script for portability, SDBM makes you happy because you know that if the user has Perl, he's got SDBM too. SDBM_File, the mo
Wais - Access to the freeWais-sf libraries. Wais (Wide Area Information Server) is a service/protocol for storing large text databases for speedy retrieval. [Perl] {oss}
AnyDBM_File - If you want to use a database manager, such as NDBM, Berkeley DB, ODBM, GDBM, or the SDBM supplied with Perl, you'll need this module. It's bundled with Perl.
Metakit for Python - Cross-platform, highly dynamic database library {free for non-commercial use}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Up to Persistent Data - Gateway topic to externally stored and transmitted data.
Locating Data - Locating items in larger data sets. Indexes, Hashes, searching, etc
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Database : Front-Ends
freshmeat.net : Topic : Database : Database Engines/Servers
freshmeat.net : Topic : Database
Databases - - Database software.
Computers : Computer Science : Database Theory :
Computers : Programming : Databases :
Computers : Software : Data Administration :
Computers : Software : Databases :
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Communications and Networking:Protocols:Z39.50
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Software:Databases
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/database/ - databases engines and tools You'll find special-purpose database applications for contact management in the apps/reminders directory.
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/database/proprietary/ - tools to use or convert proprietary database formats
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/database/relational/ - experimental RDBMs based on non-SQL query languages
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/database/www/ - WWW front ends for database tools
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/libs/db/ - database libraries
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/database/ - relational and flat-file database software for kde
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