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AFSLOG(1)                  OpenBSD Reference Manual                  AFSLOG(1)

     afslog - obtains AFS tokens for specified cells

     afslog [-d] [-c cell] [-k realm] [-p path] [-unlog] [-createuser] [args]

     The afslog command obtains AFS tokens, args are either a name of a cell
     or a pathnames of a file in the cell to get tokens for. If an argument is
     . or .. or contains a slash it is assumed to be a pathname. Otherwise it
     is assumed to be a name of a cell or a prefix thereof.

     The -c and -p flags can be used to resolve ambiguities.

     afslog might fail to guess the Kerberos realm to get tickets for (for in-
     stance if the volume location servers of the cell does not reside in the
     kerberos realm that holds the AFS service key, and the correct realm
     isn't the same as the cell name or the local realm (I didn't say this was
     a common problem)). Anyway, the -k can be used to give a hint. It should
     not be used unless there is a problem, since all tickets will be taken
     from the specified realm and this is not (usually) what you want.

     -createuser means that afslog should try to run pts to create a remote
     user principal in another cell.  -d can be used for debugging.

     If the -unlog flag is given any tokens are removed and all other argu-
     ments are ignored.

     It should be able to handle the MIT Athena aklog flags -hosts, -zsubs,
     and -noprdb, but does not.

OpenBSD 2.6                     April 27, 1996                               1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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