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CDIO(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual CDIO(1)
cdio - compact disc control utility
cdio [-s] [-v] [-f device] [command args ...]
The cdio program controls audio features of a CD drive. The device is a
name such as ``cd0'', or ``mcd0''.
If a device is not specified, the environment variable DISC will be used
to find the CD device.
If no command is given, cdio enters an interactive mode, reading commands
from the standard input.
The following options are available:
-s Silent mode. Do not print table headers or human-readable comments.
-v Verbose mode. Print as much information as possible.
-f device
Specifies a device name such as /dev/rcd0d or mcd0. Both absolute
and relative paths to /dev filenames are possible. The raw parti-
tion name is added if needed.
The available commands are listed below. Only as many characters as are
required to uniquely identify a command need be specified. The word play
may be omitted.
play first_track [last_track]
Play from track first_track to track last_track. The first
track has number 1 and may be omitted in all cases.
play start_m:start_s.start_f [end_m:end_s.end_f]
Play from the absolute address (MSF) defined by start_m in
minutes, start_s, in seconds and start_f (frame number) to
the absolute address defined by end_m in minutes, end_s, in
seconds and end_f (frame number). Minutes are in the range
0-99. Seconds are in the range 0-59. Frame numbers are in
the range 0-74.
play [#start_block [length]]
Play starting from the logical block start_block using length
logical blocks.
pause Stop playing. Do not stop the disc.
next Play the next track. If we're at the last track, stop.
previous Play the previous track. If we're at the first track,
replay Replay the current track again.
resume Resume playing. Used after the pause command.
stop Stop the disc.
eject Eject the disc.
close Inject the disc.
volume left_channel right_channel
Set the volume of the left channel to left_channel and the
volume of the right channel to right_channel. Allowed values
are in the range 0-255.
volume mute
Turn the sound off.
volume mono
Set the mono mode.
volume stereo
Set the stereo mode.
volume left
Play the left subtrack on both left and right channels.
volume right
Play the right subtrack on both left and right channels.
info Print the table of contents.
status Print information about the disc: the current playing status
and position, the current media catalog status, the current
values of the volume for left and right channels.
help Print the list of available commands.
debug on Enable the debugging mode of the CD device driver.
debug off Disable the driver debugging mode.
device devname
Make devname the current CD device. This is the equivalent
of quitting cdio and restarting with a different device.
reset Perform a hardware reset of the device.
set msf Set minute-second-frame ioctl mode (default).
set lba Set LBA ioctl mode.
quit Quit the program.
Jean-Marc Zucconi, Andrey A. Chernov, Serge V. Vakulenko
The cdio command is based on cdcontrol, which first appeared in FreeBSD
OpenBSD 2.6 July 3, 1995 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) OpenBSD sources for cdio(1)
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