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CPIO(1)                    OpenBSD Reference Manual                    CPIO(1)

     cpio - copy file archives in and out

     cpio -o [-aABcLvzZ] [-C bytes] [-F archive] [-H format] [-O archive] <
          name-list [> archive]
     cpio -i [-bBcdfmrsStuvzZ6] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-F archive] [-H format]
          [-I archive] [pattern ...] [< archive]
     cpio -p [-adlLmuv] destination-directory < name-list

     The cpio command copies files to and from a cpio archive.

     The following options are supported:

     -o          Create an archive.  Reads the list of files to store in the
                 archive from standard input, and writes the archive on stan-
                 dard output.

                 -a          Reset the access times on files that have been
                             copied to the archive.

                 -A          Append to the specified archive.

                 -B          Set block size of output to 5120 bytes.

                 -c          Use ASCII format for cpio header for portability.

                 -C bytes    Set the block size of output to bytes.

                 -F archive

                 -O archive  Use the specified file name as the archive to
                             write to.

                 -H format   Write the archive in the specified format.  Rec-
                             ognized formats are:

                             bcpio   Old binary cpio format.

                             cpio    Old octal character cpio format.

                                     SVR4 hex cpio format.

                             tar     Old tar format.

                             ustar   POSIX ustar format.

                 -L          Follow symbolic links.

                 -v          Be verbose about operations.  List filenames as
                             they are written to the archive.

                 -z          Compress archive using gzip(1) format.

                 -Z          Compress archive using compress(1) format.

     -i          Restore files from an archive.  Reads the archive file from
                 standard input and extracts files matching the patterns that
                 were specified on the command line.

                 -b          Do byte and word swapping after reading in data
                             from the archive, for restoring archives created
                             on systems with a different byte order.

                 -B          Set the block size of the archive being read to
                             5120 bytes.

                 -c          Expect the archive headers to be in ASCII format.

                 -C bytes    Read archive written with a block size of bytes.

                 -d          Create any intermediate directories as needed
                             during restore.

                 -E file     Read list of file name patterns to extract or
                             list from file.

                 -f          Restore all files except those matching the
                             patterns given on the command line.

                 -F archive

                 -I archive  Use the specified file as the input for the

                 -H format   Read an archive of the specified format.  Recog-
                             nized formats are:

                             bcpio   Old binary cpio format.

                             cpio    Old octal character cpio format.

                                     SVR4 hex cpio format.

                             tar     Old tar format.

                             ustar   POSIX ustar format.

                 -m          Restore modification times on files.

                 -r          Rename restored files interactively.

                 -s          Swap bytes after reading data from the archive.

                 -S          Swap words after reading data from the archive.

                 -t          Only list the contents of the archive, no files
                             or directories will be created.

                 -u          Overwrite files even when the file in the archive
                             is older than the one that will be overwritten.

                 -v          Be verbose about operations.  List filenames as
                             they are copied in from the archive.

                 -z          Uncompress archive using gzip(1) format.

                 -Z          Uncompress archive using compress(1) format.

                 -6          Process old-style cpio format archives.

     -p          Copy files from one location to another in a single pass.
                 The list of files to copy are read from standard input and
                 written out to a directory relative to the specified

                 directory argument.

                 -a          Reset the access times on files that have been

                 -d          Create any intermediate directories as needed to
                             write the files at the new location.

                 -l          When possible, link files rather than creating an
                             extra copy.

                 -L          Follow symbolic links.

                 -m          Restore modification times on files.

                 -u          Overwrite files even when the original file being
                             copied is older than the one that will be over-

                 -v          Be verbose about operations.  List filenames as
                             they are copied.

     cpio will exit with one of the following values:

     0   All files were processed successfully.

     1   An error occurred.

     Whenever cpio cannot create a file or a link when extracting an archive
     or cannot find a file while writing an archive, or cannot preserve the
     user ID, group ID, file mode or access and modification times when the -p
     option is specified, a diagnostic message is written to standard error
     and a non-zero exit value will be returned, but processing will continue.
     In the case where cpio cannot create a link to a file, cpio will not cre-
     ate a second copy of the file.

     If the extraction of a file from an archive is prematurely terminated by
     a signal or error, cpio may have only partially extracted the file the
     user wanted.  Additionally, the file modes of extracted files and direc-
     tories may have incorrect file bits, and the modification and access
     times may be wrong.

     If the creation of an archive is prematurely terminated by a signal or
     error, cpio may have only partially created the archive which may violate
     the specific archive format specification.

     pax(1),  tar(1)

     The -s and -S options are currently not implemented.

     Keith Muller at the University of California, San Diego.

OpenBSD 2.6                    February 16, 1997                             3

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for cpio(1)
GNU sources for cpio(1) (at OpenBSD cvsweb)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: File Access - Operations affecting a file as a whole. (delete files, rename, truncate, etc.)

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