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FDFORMAT(1)                OpenBSD Reference Manual                FDFORMAT(1)

     fdformat - format floppy disks

     fdformat [-q] [-v] [-n] [-c cyls] [-s secs] [-h heads] [-r rate] [-g
              gap3len] [-i intleave] [-S secshft] [-F fillbyte] [-t
              steps_per_track] device_name

     fdformat formats a floppy disk at device device_name. device_name should
     be a character device; it may be given either with a full path name of a
     raw device node for a floppy disk drive (e.g. /dev/rfd0c), or default
     name in an abbreviated form (e.g. fd0). Note that any geometry con-
     straints of the device node (minor device number) are meaningless, since
     they're overridden by fdformat.

     The options are as follows:

           -q          Suppress any normal output from the command, and don't
                       ask the user for a confirmation whether to format the
                       floppy disk at device_name.

           -n          Don't verify floppy after formatting.

           -v          Don't format, verify only.

           -c cyls

           -s secs

           -h heads

           -r rate

           -g gap3len

           -i intleave

           -S secshft

           -F fillbyte

           -t steps_per_track
                       An alternate method to specify the geometry data to
                       write to the floppy disk.

     If the -q flag has not been specified, the user is asked for a confirma-
     tion of the intended formatting process. In order to continue, an answer
     of ``y'' must be given.

     Unless -q has been specified, a single letter is printed to standard out-
     put to inform the user about the progress of work.  First, an ``F'' is
     printed when the track(s) is being formatted, then a ``V'' while it's be-
     ing verified, and if an error has been detected, it will finally change
     to ``E''.

     An exit status of 0 is returned upon successful operation. Exit status 1
     is returned on any errors during floppy formatting, and an exit status of
     2 reflects invalid arguments given to the program (along with appropriate
     information written to diagnostic output).


     fdformat was developed for 386BSD 0.1 and upgraded to the new fd(4) flop-
     py disk driver. It later became part of FreeBSD 1.1, and was then ported
     to OpenBSD 1.2.

     The program was been contributed by Joerg Wunsch, Dresden, with changes
     by Serge Vakulenko and Andrew A. Chernov, Moscow.

OpenBSD 2.6                   September 16, 1993                             2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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