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MCON(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual (i386) MCON(1)
mcon - controls pcvt mouse emulator
mcon [-l left-button-key] [-m mid-button-key] [-r right-button-key] [-a
accel-time] [-s 0 | false | no] [-s 1 | true | yes] device
The mcon utility controls the configurable parameters for the mouse emu-
lator of pcvt(4).
NB: The mouse emulator is not configured in by default; the system's con-
fig file needs to specify an option line
options ``PCVT_EMU_MOUSE''
in order to get its functionality.
Either way, the mcon program must be called with an argument device that
specifies the device node used for the mouse emulation. This is usually
the first device node of the pcvt(4) driver not being used as a virtual
terminal device. E. g., if you have configured eight virtual terminals
(the default value), named /dev/ttyC0 through /dev/ttyC7, the mouse emu-
lator would allocate /dev/ttyC8.
If mcon is called without any option, it will print the actual values of
the configurable parameters.
If called with an option, the program attempts to set up the new value.
The options are as follows:
-l left-button-key
-m mid-button-key
-r right-button-key
Maps the named button key to emulate either the left, middle, or
right mouse button. Button key is the usual name for that key.
Normal ASCII keys are denoted by the character they're labeled
with, function keys are named f1 through f10. Note that the AT
function keys f11 and f12 are extended keys that cannot be mapped
to be used with the mouse emulator since it only allows basic PC-
scancode keys to be used.
-a accel-time
Set the time limit for the internal accelerator to accel-time
milliseconds. Key events occurring after a longer time than this
limit will move the mouse cursor in single steps. Key events ar-
riving more frequently will move the cursor accelerated by a fac-
tor of 6. Note that despite of milliseconds being the unit of
choice here, the time resolution is restricted by the timer tick
distance of the underlying operating system, usually to a granu-
larity of 10 milliseconds.
-s 0 | false | no
-s 1 | true | yes
The first form disables, the second form enables the sticky be-
haviour of the mouse buttons. Sticky mouse keys behave much like
toggle-buttons: on first press, they become active, on second
press, they're deactivated. Pressing another button will deacti-
vate any other sticky button anyway.
Sticky buttons might be more convenient since you don't need 20
fingers at all; on the other hand, they make it virtually impos-
sible to initiate double or triple mouse clicks.
The following example would install the default behaviour of the mouse
mcon -l f1 -m f2 -r f3 -a 250 -s no /dev/ttyC8
The key names used to map the button-emulating keys to scan codes (and
vica verse) are based on the American keyboard layout. This would usually
not cause any trouble since the ``button-of-choice'' is certainly some
function key that should be equal for any national keyboard layout.
The mouse emulator is a rude hack at all; its only purpose is to provide
a device to move the pointer within an X-windowing environment.
X(1x), pcvt(4)
The mcon utility appeared in pcvt(4), release 3.00.
The mouse emulator has been contributed by Joerg Wunsch.
OpenBSD 2.6 January 3, 1994 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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