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MIXERCTL(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual MIXERCTL(1)
mixerctl - control audio mixing
mixerctl [-f file] [-n] [-v] -a
mixerctl [-f file] [-n] [-v] name [...]
mixerctl [-f file] [-n] -w name=value [...]
The mixerctl command displays or sets various audio system mixing vari-
ables. If a list of variables is present on the command line, then mix-
erctl prints the current value of those variables for the specified de-
vice. If the -a flag is specified, all variables for the device are
printed. If the -w flag is specified mixerctl attempts to set the speci-
fied variables to the given values.
Values may be specified in either absolute or relative forms. The rela-
tive form is indicated by a prefix of ``+'' or ``-'' to denote an in-
crease or decrease respectively.
The -f flag can be used to give an alternative mixer device, the default
is /dev/mixer.
The -n flag suppresses printing of the variable name.
The -v flag shows the possible values of enumeration and set valued vari-
ables. Enumerated values are shown in [] and set values are shown in {}.
The exact set of controls that can be manipulated depends on the mixer.
The general format (in both getting and setting a value) is
class.name = value
The class can have values like inputs or outputs indicating that the con-
trol affects the input resp. output to the mixer. The name indicates
what part of the mixer the control affects. Continuous mixer values,
e.g., volume, have numeric values in the range 0-255. If value can be
set for each channel independently the values are printed separated by
commas. Discrete mixer values, e.g., the recording source, have symbolic
names. Depending on the mixer it may either be an enumeration or a set.
The command
mixerctl -a -v
can produce
inputs.mic=0,0 volume
inputs.mic.mute=off [ off on ]
inputs.cd=220,220 volume
inputs.cd.mute=off [ off on ]
inputs.dac=220,220 volume
inputs.dac.mute=off [ off on ]
record.record=220,220 volume
record.record.source=mic [ mic cd dac ]
monitor.monitor=0 volume
/dev/mixer mixer audio device
MIXERDEVICE the mixer device to use.
audioctl(1), audio(4), sysctl(8)
The mixerctl command first appeared in NetBSD 1.3.
OpenBSD 2.6 May 4, 1997 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) OpenBSD sources for mixerctl(1)
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