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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD RedHat Solaris Others

NM(1)                      OpenBSD Reference Manual                      NM(1)

     nm - display name list (symbol table)

     nm [-agnopruw] file [...]

     The symbol table (name list) of each object in file(s) is displayed.  If
     a library (archive) is given, nm displays a list for each object archive
     member.  If file is not present, nm searches for the file a.out and if
     present, displays the symbol table for a.out.

     -a    Display symbol table entries inserted for use by debuggers.

     -g    Restrict display to external (global) symbols.

     -n    Present results in numerical order.

     -o    Display full path or library name of object on every line.

     -p    Do not sort at all.

     -r    Reverse order sort.

     -u    Display undefined symbols only.

     -w    Warn about non-object archive members.  Normally, nm will silently
           ignore all archive members which are not object files.

     Each symbol name is preceded by its value (a blank field if the symbol is
     undefined) and one of the following letters:

           -       debugger symbol table entries (see the -a option).
           A       absolute
           B       bss segment symbol
           C       common symbol
           D       data segment symbol
           f       file name
           T       text segment symbol
           U       undefined

     If the symbol is local (non-external) the type letter is in lower case.
     The output is sorted alphabetically.

     ar(1),  a.out(5),  ar(5),  stab(5)

     An nm command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.

OpenBSD 2.6                      June 6, 1993                                1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for nm(1)
FreeBSD Sources for nm(1)
OpenBSD sources for nm(1)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Object File Utilities - Object (already compiled) file utilities, libraries

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD RedHat Solaris Others

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