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S2P(1)           Perl Programmers Reference Guide          S2P(1)

       s2p - Sed to Perl translator

       s2p [options] filename

       S2p takes a sed script specified on the command line (or
       from standard input) and produces a comparable perl script
       on the standard output.


       Options include:

            sets debugging flags.

       -n   specifies that this sed script was always invoked
            with a sed -n.  Otherwise a switch parser is
            prepended to the front of the script.

       -p   specifies that this sed script was never invoked with
            a sed -n.  Otherwise a switch parser is prepended to
            the front of the script.


       The perl script produced looks very sed-ish, and there may
       very well be better ways to express what you want to do in
       perl.  For instance, s2p does not make any use of the
       split operator, but you might want to.

       The perl script you end up with may be either faster or
       slower than the original sed script.  If you're only
       interested in speed you'll just have to try it both ways.
       Of course, if you want to do something sed doesn't do, you
       have no choice.  It's often possible to speed up the perl
       script by various methods, such as deleting all references
       to $\ and chop.

       S2p uses no environment variables.

       Larry Wall <larry@wall.org>

        perl   The perl compiler/interpreter

        a2p    awk to perl translator

31/Oct/1999            perl 5.005, patch 03                     1

S2P(1)           Perl Programmers Reference Guide          S2P(1)


31/Oct/1999            perl 5.005, patch 03                     2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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PERL sources for s2p(1) (at OpenBSD cvsweb)

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