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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

SENDBUG(1)                                             SENDBUG(1)

       sendbug - send problem report (PR) about OpenBSD to a cen-
       tral support site

       sendbug [ -P ] [ -L ] [ -V ] [ --version ]

       sendbug is a tool used to submit problem reports (PRs)  to
       a  central  support  site.  sendbug invokes an editor on a
       problem report template (after  trying  to  fill  in  some
       fields with reasonable default values).  When you exit the
       editor, sendbug sends the completed form  to  the  Problem
       Report  Management  System  (GNATS)  at  a central support
       site.  At the support site, the PR is  assigned  a  unique
       number  and  is  stored in the GNATS database according to
       its  category  and  submitter-id.    GNATS   automatically
       replies  with  an acknowledgement, citing the category and
       the PR number.

       To ensure that a PR is handled promptly, it should contain
       your  (unique) submitter-id and one of the available cate-
       gories to identify the problem area.  (Use `sendbug -L' to
       see a list of categories.)

       The  more  precise  your  problem description and the more
       complete your information, the faster  your  support  team
       can solve your problems.

       -P     Print  the  form specified by the environment vari-
              able PR_FORM on standard output.  If PR_FORM is not
              set, print the standard blank PR template.  No mail
              is sent.

       -L     Print the list of available categories.  No mail is

       -V     Display the sendbug version number.

              Same as -V.

       Note:  Use  sendbug  to submit problem reports rather than
       mailing them directly.  Using both the template and  send-
       bug itself will help ensure all necessary information will
       reach the support site.

       The environment variable EDITOR specifies  the  editor  to
       invoke on the template.
       default: vi

       If the environment variable PR_FORM is set, then its value

February 1993                  3.97                             1

SENDBUG(1)                                             SENDBUG(1)

       is used as the file name of the template for your problem-
       report  editing session.  You can use this to start with a
       partially completed form (for example,  a  form  with  the
       identification fields already completed).

       Problem  reports have to be in a particular form so that a
       program can easily manage them.  Please remember the  fol-
       lowing guidelines:

       -  Describe only one problem with each problem report.

       -  For  follow-up  mail,  use the same subject line as the
          one in the automatic acknowledgement.  It  consists  of
          category,  PR  number  and  the original synopsis line.
          This allows the support site  to  relate  several  mail
          messages to a particular PR and to record them automat-

       -  Please try to be as accurate as possible in the subject
          and/or synopsis line.

       -  The subject and the synopsis line are not confidential.
          This is because open-bugs lists are compiled from them.
          Avoid confidential information there.

       Submit  small  code samples with the PR.  Contact the sup-
       port site for instructions on submitting larger test cases
       and problematic source code.

       /tmp/p$$     copy of PR used in editing session
       /tmp/pf$$    copy of empty PR form, for testing purposes
       /tmp/pbad$$  file for rejected PRs

       Jeffrey  Osier,  Brendan  Kehoe,  Jason  Merrill, Heinz G.
       Seidl (Cygnus Support)

       Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       Permission is granted  to  make  and  distribute  verbatim
       copies  of  this  manual provided the copyright notice and
       this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified ver-
       sions  of  this  manual  under the conditions for verbatim
       copying, provided that the entire resulting  derived  work
       is  distributed  under  the  terms  of a permission notice
       identical to this one.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute  translations

February 1993                  3.97                             2

SENDBUG(1)                                             SENDBUG(1)

       of this manual into another language, under the above con-
       ditions for modified versions, except that this permission
       notice  may  be  included  in translations approved by the
       Free  Software  Foundation  instead  of  in  the  original

February 1993                  3.97                             3

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
GNU sources for sendbug(1) (at OpenBSD cvsweb)

[Overview Topics]

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