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BITSTRING(3) OpenBSD Programmer's Manual BITSTRING(3)
bit_alloc, bit_clear, bit_decl, bit_ffc, bit_ffs, bit_nclear, bit_nset,
bit_set, bitstr_size, bit_test - bit-string manipulation macros
#include <bitstring.h>
bitstr_t *
bit_alloc(int nbits);
bit_clear(bit_str name, int bit);
bit_decl(bit_str name, int nbits);
bit_ffc(bit_str name, int nbits, int *value);
bit_ffs(bit_str name, int nbits, int *value);
bit_nclear(bit_str name, int start, int stop);
bit_nset(bit_str name, int start, int stop);
bit_set(bit_str name, int bit);
bitstr_size(int nbits);
bit_test(bit_str name, int bit);
These macros operate on strings of bits.
The bit_alloc() macro returns a pointer of type bitstr_t * to sufficient
space to store nbits bits, or NULL if no space is available.
The bit_decl() macro allocates sufficient space to store nbits bits on
the stack.
The bitstr_size() macro returns the number of elements of type bitstr_t
necessary to store nbits bits. This is useful for copying bit strings.
The bit_clear() and bit_set() macros clear or set the zero-based numbered
bit bit, in the bit string name.
The bit_nclear() and bit_nset() macros clear or set the zero-based num-
bered bits from start to stop in the bit string name.
The bit_test() macro evaluates to non-zero if the zero-based numbered bit
bit of bit string name is set, and zero otherwise.
The bit_ffs() macro stores in the location referenced by value the zero-
based number of the first bit set in the array of nbits bits referenced
by name. If no bits are set, the location referenced by value is set to
The bit_ffc() macro stores in the location referenced by value the zero-
based number of the first bit not set in the array of nbits bits refer-
enced by name. If all bits are set, the location referenced by value is
set to -1.
The arguments to these macros are evaluated only once and may safely have
side effects.
#include <limits.h>
#include <bitstring.h>
#define LPR_BUSY_BIT 0
#define LPR_FORMAT_BIT 1
#define LPR_MAX_BITS 10
bitstr_t bit_decl(bitlist, LPR_MAX_BITS);
bit_nclear(bitlist, 0, LPR_MAX_BITS - 1);
if (!bit_test(bitlist, LPR_BUSY_BIT)) {
bit_clear(bitlist, LPR_FORMAT_BIT);
bit_clear(bitlist, LPR_DOWNLOAD_BIT);
bit_set(bitlist, LPR_AVAILABLE_BIT);
The bitstring functions first appeared in 4.4BSD.
OpenBSD 2.6 July 19, 1993 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) FreeBSD Sources for bitstring(3) functions
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Up to: Bit-strings - Data structures implementing bit vectors, bit arrays
Up to: Binary math - Boolean math, Bit vectors, CRC, etc.
Up to: NUL Terminated String processing - NUL terminated string operations (strcpy, strlen, etc)
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