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curs_mouse(3) curs_mouse(3)
getmouse, ungetmouse, mousemask, wenclose, wmouse_trafo,
mouseinterval - mouse interface through curses
#include <curses.h>
typedef unsigned long mmask_t;
typedef struct
short id; /* ID to distinguish multiple devices */
int x, y, z; /* event coordinates */
mmask_t bstate; /* button state bits */
int getmouse(MEVENT *event);
int ungetmouse(MEVENT *event);
mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t newmask, mmask_t *oldmask);
bool wenclose(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
bool wmouse_trafo(const WINDOW* win, int* pY, int* pX,
bool to_screen);
int mouseinterval(int erval);
These functions provide an interface to mouse events from
curses(3). Mouse events are represented by KEY_MOUSE
pseudo-key values in the wgetch input stream.
To make mouse events visible, use the mousemask function.
This will set the mouse events to be reported. By
default, no mouse events are reported. The function will
return a mask to indicate which of the specified mouse
events can be reported; on complete failure it returns 0.
If oldmask is non-NULL, this function fills the indicated
location with the previous value of the given window's
mouse event mask.
As a side effect, setting a zero mousemask may turn off
the mouse pointer; setting a nonzero mask may turn it on.
Whether this happens is device-dependent.
Here are the mouse event type masks:
Name Description
BUTTON1_PRESSED mouse button 1 down
BUTTON1_RELEASED mouse button 1 up
BUTTON1_CLICKED mouse button 1 clicked
BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 1 double clicked
BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 1 triple clicked
BUTTON2_PRESSED mouse button 2 down
BUTTON2_RELEASED mouse button 2 up
curs_mouse(3) curs_mouse(3)
BUTTON2_CLICKED mouse button 2 clicked
BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 2 double clicked
BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 2 triple clicked
BUTTON3_PRESSED mouse button 3 down
BUTTON3_RELEASED mouse button 3 up
BUTTON3_CLICKED mouse button 3 clicked
BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 3 double clicked
BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 3 triple clicked
BUTTON4_PRESSED mouse button 4 down
BUTTON4_RELEASED mouse button 4 up
BUTTON4_CLICKED mouse button 4 clicked
BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 4 double clicked
BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 4 triple clicked
BUTTON_SHIFT shift was down during button state change
BUTTON_CTRL control was down during button state change
BUTTON_ALT alt was down during button state change
ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS report all button state changes
REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION report mouse movement
Once a class of mouse events have been made visible in a
window, calling the wgetch function on that window may
return KEY_MOUSE as an indicator that a mouse event has
been queued. To read the event data and pop the event off
the queue, call getmouse. This function will return OK if
a mouse event is actually visible in the given window, ERR
otherwise. When getmouse returns OK, the data deposited
as y and x in the event structure coordinates will be
screen-relative character-cell coordinates. The returned
state mask will have exactly one bit set to indicate the
event type.
The ungetmouse function behaves analogously to ungetch.
It pushes a KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue, and
associates with that event the given state data and
screen-relative character-cell coordinates.
The wenclose function tests whether a given pair of
screen-relative character-cell coordinates is enclosed by
a given window, returning TRUE if it is and FALSE other-
wise. It is useful for determining what subset of the
screen windows enclose the location of a mouse event.
The wmouse_trafo function transforms a given pair of coor-
dinates from stdscr-relative coordinates to screen-rela-
tive coordinates or vice versa. Please remember, that
stdscr-relative coordinates are not always identical to
screen-relative coordinates due to the mechanism to
reserve lines on top or bottom of the screen for other
purposes (ripoff() call, see also slk_... functions). If
the parameter to_screen is TRUE, the pointers pY, pX must
reference the coordinates of a location inside the window
win. They are converted to screen-relative coordinates and
returned through the pointers. If the conversion was suc-
cessful, the function returns TRUE. If one of the
curs_mouse(3) curs_mouse(3)
parameters was NULL or the location is not inside the win-
dow, FALSE is returned. If to_screen is FALSE, the point-
ers pY, pX must reference screen-relative coordinates.
They are converted to stdscr-relative coordinates if the
window win encloses this point. In this case the function
returns TRUE. If one of the parameters is NULL or the
point is not inside the window, FALSE is returned. Please
notice, that the referenced coordinates are only replaced
by the converted coordinates if the transformation was
The mouseinterval function sets the maximum time (in thou-
sands of a second) that can elapse between press and
release events in order for them to be recognized as a
click. This function returns the previous interval value.
The default is one fifth of a second.
Note that mouse events will be ignored when input is in
cooked mode, and will cause an error beep when cooked mode
is being simulated in a window by a function such as get-
str that expects a linefeed for input-loop termination.
getmouse, ungetmouse and mouseinterval return the integer
ERR upon failure or OK upon successful completion. mouse-
mask returns the mask of reportable events. wenclose and
wmouse_trafo are boolean functions returning TRUE or FALSE
depending on their test result.
These calls were designed for ncurses, and are not found
in SVr4 curses, 4.4BSD curses, or any other previous ver-
sion of curses.
The feature macro NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION is provided so the
preprocessor can be used to test whether these features
are present (its value is 1). NOTE: THIS INTERFACE IS
the interface is changed, the value of NCURSES_MOUSE_VER-
SION will be incremented.
The order of the MEVENT structure members is not guaran-
teed. Additional fields may be added to the structure in
the future.
Under ncurses, these calls are implemented using either
xterm's built-in mouse-tracking API or Alessandro Rubini's
gpm server. If you are using something other than xterm
there is no gpm daemon running on your machine, mouse
events will not be visible to curses(3) (and the wmouse-
mask function will always return 0).
The z member in the event structure is not presently used.
curs_mouse(3) curs_mouse(3)
It is intended for use with touch screens (which may be
pressure-sensitive) or with 3D-mice/trackballs/power
Mouse events under xterm will not in fact be ignored dur-
ing cooked mode, if they have been enabled by wmousemask.
Instead, the xterm mouse report sequence will appear in
the string read.
Mouse events under xterm will not be detected correctly in
a window with its keypad bit off.
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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