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PTHREADS(3) OpenBSD Programmer's Manual PTHREADS(3)
pthreads - POSIX 1003.1c thread interface
A thread is a flow of control within a process. Each thread represents a
minimal amount of state; normally just the cpu state and a signal mask.
All other process state (such as memory, file descriptors) is shared
among all of the threads in the process.
In OpenBSD, threads are implemented in a user-level library (libc_r) that
replaces the standard C library (libc). This replacement is currently
achieved by specifying the -pthread flag to cc(1) for each compilation
unit, and for linking. (But see the section on BUGS.)
The SIGINFO signal can be sent to a threaded process to have the library
show the state of all of its threads. The information is sent to the pro-
cess' /dev/tty.
Threads can be in one of these states:
cond_wait Executing pthread_cond_wait(3) or
dead Waiting for resource deallocation by the thread
garbage collector.
deadlock Waiting for a resource held by the thread itself.
fdlr_wait File descriptor read lock wait.
fdlw_wait File descriptor write lock wait.
fdr_wait Executing one of accept(2), read(2), readv(2),
recvfrom(2), recvmsg(2).
fdw_wait Executing one of connect(2), sendmsg(2), sendto(2),
write(2), writev(2).
file_wait Executing flockfile(3) or similar.
join Executing pthread_join(3).
mutex_wait Executing pthread_mutex_lock(3).
running Scheduled for, or engaged in, program execution.
select_wait Executing select(2).
sigsuspend Executing sigsuspend(2).
sigwait Executing sigwait(3).
sleep_wait Executing sleep(3) or nanosleep(2).
spinblock Waiting for a machine-level atomic lock.
suspended Suspended with pthread_suspend_np(3).
wait_wait Executing wait4(2) or similar.
Scheduling algorithm
The scheduling algorithm used by the user-level thread library is roughly
as follows:
1. Threads each have a time slice credit which is debited by the actual
time the thread spends in running. Freshly scheduled threads are
given a time slice credit of 100000 usec.
2. Give an incremental priority update to run-enabled threads that have
not run since the last time that an incremental priority update was
given to them.
3. Choose the next run-enabled thread with the highest priority, that
became inactive least recently, and has the largest remaining time
When all threads are blocked, the process also blocks. When there are no
threads remaining, the process terminates with an exit code of zero.
pthread_cleanup_pop(3), pthread_cleanup_push(3),
pthread_cond_broadcast(3), pthread_cond_destroy(3),
pthread_cond_init(3), pthread_cond_signal(3),
pthread_cond_timedwait(3), pthread_cond_wait(3), pthread_create(3),
pthread_detach(3), pthread_equal(3), pthread_exit(3),
pthread_getspecific(3), pthread_join(3), pthread_key_create(3),
pthread_key_delete(3), pthread_mutex_destroy(3), pthread_mutex_init(3),
pthread_mutex_lock(3), pthread_mutex_trylock(3),
pthread_mutex_unlock(3), pthread_once(3), pthread_rwlock_destroy(3),
pthread_rwlock_init(3), pthread_rwlock_rdlock(3),
pthread_rwlock_unlock(3), pthread_rwlock_wrlock(3),
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(3), pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(3),
pthread_rwlockattr_init(3), pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(3),
pthread_self(3), pthread_setspecific(3)
The user-level thread library provides functions that conform to ISO/IEC
9945-1 ANSI/IEEE (``POSIX'') Std 1003.1 Second Edition 1996-07-12.
John Birrell (jb@freebsd.org) wrote the majority of the user level thread
Having to pass the -pthread flag to cc(1) for every compilation unit and
linking is an awful kludge. Future releases will most likely depreceate
this flag, and instead only use -lpthread during linking.
The library contains of a scheduler that uses the process virtual inter-
val timer to pre-empt running threads. This means that using
setitimer(2) to alter the process virtual timer will have undefined ef-
fects. The SIGVTALRM will never be delivered to threads in a process.
Due to the type definition of fd_set and the internal reliance on
select(2), threaded processes may be arbitrarily limited in the number
of file descriptors that they can collectively have open.
OpenBSD 2.6 August 17, 1998 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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