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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD Others

REXEC(3)                  OpenBSD Programmer's Manual                 REXEC(3)

     rexec - return stream to a remote command

     rexec(ahost, int inport, char *user, char *passwd, char *cmd, int *fd2p);

     This interface is obsoleted by krcmd(3).  It is available from the com-
     patibility library, libcompat.

     The rexec() function looks up the host *ahost using gethostbyname(3),
     returning -1 if the host does not exist.  Otherwise *ahost is set to the
     standard name of the host.  If a username and password are both speci-
     fied, then these are used to authenticate to the foreign host; otherwise
     the environment and then the user's .netrc file in his home directory are
     searched for appropriate information.  If all this fails, the user is
     prompted for the information.

     The port inport specifies which well-known DARPA Internet port to use for
     the connection; the call `getservbyname("exec", "tcp")' (see
     getservent(3))  will return a pointer to a structure, which contains the
     necessary port.  The protocol for connection is described in detail in

     If the connection succeeds, a socket in the Internet domain of type
     SOCK_STREAM is returned to the caller, and given to the remote command as
     stdin and stdout. If fd2p is non-zero, then an auxiliary channel to a
     control process will be setup, and a descriptor for it will be placed in
     *fd2p. The control process will return diagnostic output from the command
     (unit 2) on this channel, and will also accept bytes on this channel as
     being UNIX signal numbers, to be forwarded to the process group of the
     command.  The diagnostic information returned does not include remote au-
     thorization failure, as the secondary connection is set up after autho-
     rization has been verified.  If fd2p is 0, then the stderr (unit 2 of the
     remote command) will be made the same as the stdout and no provision is
     made for sending arbitrary signals to the remote process, although you
     may be able to get its attention by using out-of-band data.

     rcmd(3),  rexecd(8)

     The rexec() function appeared in 4.2BSD.

OpenBSD 2.6                      June 4, 1993                                1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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FreeBSD Sources for rexec(3) functions

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Remote Process Communication - Methods of communicating to remote processes. Remote Procedure Calls, sockets, data format translation, et al

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