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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

TF_UTIL(3)                                             TF_UTIL(3)

       tf_init, tf_get_pname, tf_get_pinst, tf_get_cred, tf_close
       - Routines for manipulating a Kerberos ticket file

       #include <kerberosIV/krb.h>

       extern char *krb_err_txt[];

       tf_init(tf_name, rw)
       char *tf_name;
       int rw;

       char *pname;

       char *pinst;

       CREDENTIALS *c;


       This group of routines are provided to manipulate the Ker-
       beros  tickets file.  A ticket file has the following for-

           principal's name          (null-terminated string)
           principal's instance      (null-terminated string)

       Where "CREDENTIAL_x" consists of the following fixed-length
       fields from the CREDENTIALS structure (defined in <krb.h>):

                char      service[ANAME_SZ]
                char      instance[INST_SZ]
                char      realm[REALM_SZ]
                des_cblock     session
                int       lifetime
                int       kvno
                KTEXT_ST  ticket_st
                long      issue_date

       tf_init must be called before the other ticket  file  rou-
       tines.  It takes the name of the ticket file to use, and a

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     1

TF_UTIL(3)                                             TF_UTIL(3)

       read/write flag as arguments.  It tries to open the ticket
       file, checks the mode and if everything is okay, locks the
       file.  If it's opened for reading, the lock is shared.  If
       it's  opened for writing, the lock is exclusive.  KSUCCESS
       is returned if all went well, otherwise one of the follow-

       NO_TKT_FIL     - file wasn't there
       TKT_FIL_ACC    - file was in wrong mode, etc.
       TKT_FIL_LCK    - couldn't lock the file, even after a retry

       The  tf_get_pname reads the principal's name from a ticket
       file.  It should only be called  after  tf_init  has  been
       called.   The  principal's  name  is filled into the pname
       parameter.  If all goes well, KSUCCESS  is  returned.   If
       tf_init  wasn't  called,  TKT_FIL_INI is returned.  If the
       principal's name was null, or EOF was encountered, or  the
       name was longer than ANAME_SZ, TKT_FIL_FMT is returned.

       The  tf_get_pinst  reads  the  principal's instance from a
       ticket file.  It should only be called after  tf_init  and
       tf_get_pname  have  been called.  The principal's instance
       is filled into the pinst parameter.   If  all  goes  well,
       KSUCCESS   is   returned.    If   tf_init  wasn't  called,
       TKT_FIL_INI is returned.  If EOF was encountered,  or  the
       name  was  longer  than  INST_SZ, TKT_FIL_FMT is returned.
       Note that, unlike the principal name,  the  instance  name
       may be null.

       The  tf_get_cred routine reads a CREDENTIALS record from a
       ticket file and fills in the given structure.   It  should
       only   be   called   after   tf_init,   tf_get_pname,  and
       tf_get_pinst have been called.  If all goes well, KSUCCESS
       is returned.  Possible error codes are:

       TKT_FIL_INI    - tf_init wasn't called first
       TKT_FIL_FMT    - bad format
       EOF       - end of file encountered

       tf_close  closes  the ticket file and releases the lock on


       The ticket file routines have to be called  in  a  certain

       Jennifer Steiner, MIT Project Athena

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     2

TF_UTIL(3)                                             TF_UTIL(3)

       Bill Bryant, MIT Project Athena

       Copyright 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     3

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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FreeBSD Sources for tf_util(3) functions

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Up to: Kerberos authentication

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