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AMD(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual AMD(8)
amd - automatically mount file systems
amd [-nprv] [-a mount_point] [-c duration] [-d domain] [-k kernel-arch]
[-l logfile] [-t interval.interval] [-w interval] [-x log-option] [-y
YP-domain] [-C cluster-name] [-D option] [directory mapname
[-map-options]] ...
Amd is a daemon that automatically mounts filesystems whenever a file or
directory within that filesystem is accessed. Filesystems are automati-
cally unmounted when they appear to be quiescent.
Amd operates by attaching itself as an NFS server to each of the speci-
fied directories. Lookups within the specified directories are handled by
amd, which uses the map defined by mapname to determine how to resolve
the lookup. Generally, this will be a host name, some filesystem infor-
mation and some mount options for the given filesystem.
-a temporary-directory
Specify an alternative location for the real mount points. The
default is /a.
-c duration
Specify a duration, in seconds, that a looked up name remains
cached when not in use. The default is 5 minutes.
-d domain
Specify the local domain name. If this option is not given the
domain name is determined from the hostname.
-k kernel-arch
Specifies the kernel architecture. This is used solely to set
the ${karch} selector.
-l logfile
Specify a logfile in which to record mount and unmount events.
If logfile is the string syslog, the log messages will be sent to
the system log daemon by syslog(3).
-n Normalize hostnames. The name referred to by ${rhost} is normal-
ized relative to the host database before being used. The effect
is to translate aliases into ``official'' names.
-p Print PID. Outputs the process-id of amd to standard output where
it can be saved into a file.
-r Restart existing mounts. Amd will scan the mount file table to
determine which filesystems are currently mounted. Whenever one
of these would have been auto-mounted, amd inherits it.
-t interval.interval
Specify the interval, in tenths of a second, between NFS/RPC/UDP
retries. The default is 0.8 seconds. The second values alters
the retransmit counter. Useful defaults are supplied if either
or both values are missing.
-v Version. Displays version and configuration information on stan-
dard error.
-w interval
Specify an interval, in seconds, between attempts to dismount
filesystems that have exceeded their cached times. The default
is 2 minutes.
-y domain
Specify an alternative NIS domain from which to fetch the NIS
maps. The default is the system domain name. This option is ig-
nored if NIS support is not available.
-x options
Specify run-time logging options. The options are a comma sepa-
rated list chosen from: fatal, error, user, warn, info, map,
stats, all.
-D option
Select from a variety of debug options. Prefixing an option with
the string no reverses the effect of that option. Options are
cumulative. The most useful option is all.
Since -D is only used for debugging other options are not documented
here: the current supported set of options is listed by the -v option and
a fuller description is available in the program source.
/a directory under which filesystems are dynamically mounted
Some care may be required when creating a mount map.
Symbolic links on an NFS filesystem can be incredibly inefficient. In
most implementations of NFS, their interpolations are not cached by the
kernel and each time a symbolic link is encountered during a lookuppn
translation it costs an RPC call to the NFS server. A large improvement
in real-time performance could be gained by adding a cache somewhere.
Replacing symlinks(2) with a suitable incarnation of the auto-mounter re-
sults in a large real-time speedup, but also causes a large number of
process context switches.
A weird imagination is most useful to gain full advantage of all the fea-
amq(8), fsinfo(8), hostname(1), mk-amd-map(8), mount(8), umount(8).
Amd - The 4.4 BSD Automounter.
Jan-Simon Pendry <jsp@doc.ic.ac.uk>, Department of Computing, Imperial
College, London, UK.
The amd utility first appeared in 4.4BSD.
OpenBSD 2.3 April, 19, 1994 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) FreeBSD Sources for amd(8) OpenBSD sources for amd(8)
![[Overview Topics]](/outbndsm.gif)
Up to: Specific Types of File Systems - Specific forms of file systems. DFS, NFS, MS-DOS, etc.
Up to: File System Operations - Operations for entire file-systems (quotas, configuration, consistency, mount, unmount, et al)
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