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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

KSRVUTIL(8)                                           KSRVUTIL(8)

       ksrvutil  -  host  kerberos  keyfile (srvtab) manipulation

       ksrvutil operation [ -k ] [ -i ] [ -a ] [ -f filename ]

       ksrvutil allows a system manager to list  or  change  keys
       currently  in  his  keyfile or to add new keys to the key-

       Operation must be one of the following:

       list      lists the keys in a keyfile showing version num-
                 ber  and  principal  name.   If the -k option is
                 given, keys will also be shown.

       change    changes all the keys in the keyfile by using the
                 regular  admin  protocol.   If  the  -i  flag is
                 given, ksrvutil will prompt for yes or no before
                 changing  each  key.   If the -k option is used,
                 the old and new keys will be displayed.

       add       allows the user to add a key.  add  prompts  for
                 name,  instance,  realm, and key version number,
                 asks for confirmation, and then asks for a pass-
                 word.   ksrvutil then converts the password to a
                 key and appends the keyfile with the new  infor-
                 mation.   If  the  -k option is used, the key is

       In all cases, the default file used is KEY_FILE as defined
       in krb.h unless this is overridden by the -f option.

       A good use for ksrvutil would be for adding keys to a key-
       file.  A system manager could ask a kerberos administrator
       to  create a new service key with kadmin(8) and could sup-
       ply an initial password.  Then, he could use  ksrvutil  to
       add  the  key to the keyfile and then to change the key so
       that it will be random and unknown to  either  the  system
       manager or the kerberos administrator.

       If  the  -a option is given, ksrvutil uses the AFS string-
       to-key function.  Use this  if  you  are  running  an  AFS

       ksrvutil  always makes a backup copy of the keyfile before
       making any changes.

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     1

KSRVUTIL(8)                                           KSRVUTIL(8)

       If ksrvutil should exit on an error condition at any  time
       during a change or add, a copy of the original keyfile can
       be found in filename.old where filename is the name of the
       keyfile,  and a copy of the file with all new keys changed
       or added so far can be found in filename.work.  The origi-
       nal  keyfile is left unmodified until the program exits at
       which point it is removed and replaced it with  the  work-
       file.   Appending  the  workfile  to  the  backup copy and
       replacing the keyfile with the result should always give a
       usable  keyfile,  although the resulting keyfile will have
       some out of date keys in it.

       kadmin(8), ksrvtgt(1)

       Emanuel Jay Berkenbilt, MIT Project Athena

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for ksrvutil(8)
OpenBSD sources for ksrvutil(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Kerberos authentication

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

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