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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD NetBSD

MAKEDBM(8)              OpenBSD System Manager's Manual             MAKEDBM(8)

     makedbm - create a YP database

     makedbm -u file
     makedbm -U file
     makedbm [-bls] [-i yp_input_file] [-o yp_output_file] [-d yp_domain_name]
             [-m yp_master_name] infile outfile

     Makedbm is the utiliy in YP that creates the database file containing the
     YP map.  The databse format is a slightly modified version of ndbm.

     The options are as follows:

     -u      Dump a database to standard output.

     -U      Same as -u but also try db(3) hash format.

     -b      Interdomain. Include an entry in the database informing a YP
             server to use DNS to get information about unknown hosts. This
             option will only have effect on the two maps hosts.byname and

     -l      Lowercase. Convert all keys to lower case before adding them to
             the YP database.

     -s      Secure map. Include an entry in the database informing ypxfr(8)
             and ypserv(8) that the YP map is going to be handled as secure.

     -i yp_input_file
             Include an entry the in the map with the key YP_INPUT_FILE and
             the argument as value.

     -o yp_output_file
             Include an entry the in the map with the key YP_OUTPUT_FILE and
             the argument as value.

     -d yp_domain_name
             Include an entry the in the map with the key YP_DOMAIN_NAME and
             the argument as value.

     -m yp_master_name
             Include an entry the in the map with the key YP_MASTER_NAME and
             the argument as value.

     yp(8),  db(3),  ypxfr(8),  ypserv(8)

     Mats O Jansson <moj@stacken.kth.se>

OpenBSD 2.3                      July 19, 1994                               1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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OpenBSD sources for makedbm(8)

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Up to: Process Limits: Identity - Process ownership and Identity

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