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MAKEMAP(8)              OpenBSD System Manager's Manual             MAKEMAP(8)

     makemap - create database maps for sendmail

     makemap [-N] [-d] [-f] [-o] [-r] [-v] maptype mapname

     makemap creates the database maps used by the keyed map lookups in
     sendmail(8).  It reads input from the standard input and outputs them to
     the indicated mapname.

     Depending on how it is compiled, makemap handles up to three different
     database formats, selected using the maptype parameter.  They may be

     dbm         DBM format maps.  This requires the ndbm(3) library.

     btree       B-Tree format maps.  This requires the new Berkeley db(3) li-

     hash        Hash format maps.  This also requires the db(3) library.

     In all cases, makemap reads lines from the standard input consisting of
     two words separated by white space.  The first is the database key, the
     second is the value.  The value may contain ``%n'' strings to indicated
     parameter substitution.  Literal percents should be doubled (``%%'').
     Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.


     -N          Include the null byte that terminates strings in the map.
                 This must match the -N flag in the sendmail.cf ``K'' line.

     -d          Allow duplicate keys in the map.  This is only allowed on B-
                 Tree format maps.  If two identical keys are read, they will
                 both be inserted into the map.

     -f          Normally all upper case letters in the key are folded to low-
                 er case.  This flag disables that behaviour.  This is intend-
                 ed to mesh with the -f flag in the K line in sendmail.cf.
                 The value is never case folded.

     -o          Append to an old file.  This allows you to augment an exist-
                 ing file.

     -r          Allow replacement of existing keys.  Normally makemap com-
                 plains if you repeat a key, and does not do the insert.

     -v          Verbosely print what it is doing.


     The makemap command appeared in 4.4BSD.

4.4BSD                         November 16, 1992                             1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for makemap(8)
OpenBSD sources for makemap(8)

[Overview Topics]

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