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MOUNT_MSDOS(8)          OpenBSD System Manager's Manual         MOUNT_MSDOS(8)

     mount_msdos - mount an MS-DOS file system

     mount_msdos [-o options] [-u uid] [-g gid] [-m mask] [-s] [-l] [-9] [-G]
                 special node

     The mount_msdos command attaches the MS-DOS filesystem residing on the
     device special to the global filesystem namespace at the location indi-
     cated by node. This command is normally executed by mount(8) at boot
     time, but can be used by any user to mount an MS-DOS file system on any
     directory that they own (provided, of course, that they have appropriate
     access to the device that contains the file system).

     The options are as follows:

     -o options
             Use the specified mount options, as described in mount(8).

     -u uid  Set the owner of the files in the file system to uid. The default
             owner is the owner of the directory on which the file system is
             being mounted.

     -g gid  Set the group of the files in the file system to gid. The default
             group is the group of the directory on which the file system is
             being mounted.

     -m mask
             Specify the maximum file permissions for files in the file sys-
             tem.  (For example, a mask of 755 specifies that, by default, the
             owner should have read, write, and execute permissions for files,
             but others should only have read and execute permissions.  See
             chmod(1) for more information about octal file modes.)  Only the
             nine low-order bits of mask are used.  The default mask is taken
             from the directory on which the file system is being mounted.

     -s      Force behaviour to ignore and not generate Win'95 long filenames.

     -l      Force listing and generation of Win'95 long filenames and sepa-
             rate creation/modification/access dates.

             If neither -s nor -l are given, mount_msdos searches the root di-
             rectory of the filesystem to be mounted for any existing Win'95
             long filenames.  If no such entries are found, -s is the default.
             Otherwise -l is assumed.

     -9      Ignore the special Win'95 directory entries even if deleting or
             renaming a file. This forces -s.

     -G      This option causes the filesystem to be interpreted as an Atari-
             Gemdos filesystem. The differences to the msdos filesystem are
             minimal and limited to the boot block. This option enforces -s.

     mount(2),  unmount(2),  fstab(5),  mount(8)

     The use of the -9 flag could result in damaged filesystems, albeit the
     damage is in part taken care of by procedures similar to the ones used in

     The default handling for -s and -l will result in empty filesystems to be
     populated with short filenames only. To generate long filenames on empty
     DOS filesystems use -l.

     Note that Win'95 handles only access dates, but not access times.

     The mount_msdos utility first appeared in NetBSD 0.9.  Its predecessor,
     the mount_pcfs utility appeared in NetBSD 0.8, and was abandoned in favor
     of the more aptly-named mount_msdos.

OpenBSD 2.3                      April 7, 1994                               2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for mount_msdos(8)
OpenBSD sources for mount_msdos(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Specific Types of File Systems - Specific forms of file systems. DFS, NFS, MS-DOS, etc.
Up to: File System Operations - Operations for entire file-systems (quotas, configuration, consistency, mount, unmount, et al)

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