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MOUNT_NFS(8)            OpenBSD System Manager's Manual           MOUNT_NFS(8)

     mount_nfs - mount nfs file systems

     mount_nfs [-23KPTUbcdilqs] [-D deadthresh] [-I readdirsize] [-L
               leaseterm] [-R retrycnt] [-a maxreadahead] [-g maxgroups] [-m
               realm] [-o options] [-r readsize] [-t timeout] [-w writesize]
               [-x retrans] rhost:path node

     The mount_nfs command calls the mount(2) system call to prepare and graft
     a remote nfs file system (rhost:path) on to the file system tree at the
     point node. This command is normally executed by mount(8).  It implements
     the mount protocol as described in RFC 1094, Appendix A and NFS: Network
     File System Version 3 Protocol Specification, Appendix I.

     The options are:

     -2      Use the NFS Version 2 protocol.

     -3      Use the NFS Version 3 protocol. The default is to try version 3
             first, and fall back to version 2 if the mount fails.

     -D      Used with NQNFS to set the ``dead server threshold'' to the spec-
             ified number of round trip timeout intervals.  After a ``dead
             server threshold'' of retransmit timeouts, cached data for the
             unresponsive server is assumed to still be valid.  Values may be
             set in the range of 1 - 9, with 9 referring to an ``infinite dead
             threshold'' (i.e. never assume cached data still valid).  This
             option is not generally recommended and is really an experimental

     -I      Set the readdir read size to the specified value. The value
             should normally be a multiple of DIRBLKSIZ that is <= the read
             size for the mount.

     -K      Pass Kerberos authenticators to the server for client-to-server
             user-credential mapping.  This requires that the kernel be built
             with the NFSKERB option.  (Refer to the INTERNET-DRAFT titled
             Authentication Mechanisms for ONC RPC, for more information.)

     -L      Used with NQNFS to set the lease term to the specified number of
             seconds.  Only use this argument for mounts with a large round
             trip delay.  Values are normally in the 10-30 second range.

     -P      The kernel always uses a reserved port number to communicate with
             clients. This option is ignored, and exists solely for compati-
             bility with older systems.

     -R      Set the retry count for doing the mount to the specified value.

     -T      Use TCP transport instead of UDP.  This is recommended for
             servers that are not on the same LAN cable as the client.  (NB:
             This is NOT supported by most non-BSD servers.)

     -U      Force the mount protocol to use UDP transport, even for TCP NFS
             mounts.  (Necessary for some old BSD servers.)

     -a      Set the read-ahead count to the specified value.  This may be in
             the range of 0 - 4, and determines how many blocks will be read
             ahead when a large file is being read sequentially.  Trying a
             value greater than 1 for this is suggested for mounts with a

             large bandwidth * delay product.

     -b      If an initial attempt to contact the server fails, fork off a
             child to keep trying the mount in the background.  Useful for
             fstab(5),  where the filesystem mount is not critical to multius-
             er operation.

     -c      For UDP mount points, do not do a connect(2).  This must be used
             for servers that do not reply to requests from the standard NFS
             port number 2049.  It may also be required for servers with more
             than one IP address (only necesary if replies come from an ad-
             dress other than the one specified in the mount request).

     -d      Turn off the dynamic retransmit timeout estimator.  This may be
             useful for UDP mounts that exhibit high retry rates, since it is
             possible that the dynamically estimated timeout interval is too

     -g      Set the maximum size of the group list for the credentials to the
             specified value.  This should be used for mounts on old servers
             that cannot handle a group list size of 16, as specified in RFC
             1057.  Try 8, if users in a lot of groups cannot get response
             from the mount point.

     -i      Make the mount interruptible, which implies that file system
             calls that are delayed due to an unresponsive server will fail
             with EINTR when a termination signal is posted for the process.

     -l      Used with NQNFS and NFSV3 to specify that the ReaddirPlus RPC
             should be used.  This option reduces RPC traffic for cases such
             as ``ls -l'', but tends to flood the attribute and name caches
             with prefetched entries.  Try this option and see whether perfor-
             mance improves or degrades. Probably most useful for client to
             server network interconnects with a large bandwidth times delay

     -m      Set the Kerberos realm to the string argument.  Used with the -K
             option for mounts to other realms.

     -o      Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separat-
             ed string of options.  See the mount(8) man page for possible op-
             tions and their meanings.  The following NFS specific option is
             also available:

                     Use specified port number for NFS requests.  The default
                     is to query the portmapper for the NFS port.

     -q      Use the leasing extensions to the NFS Version 3 protocol to main-
             tain cache consistency.  This protocol version 2 revision to Not
             Quite Nfs (NQNFS) is only supported by this updated release of
             NFS code.  It is not backwards compatible with the version 1 NQN-
             FS protocol that was part of the first release of 4.4BSD-Lite.
             To interoperate with a first release 4.4BSD-Lite NFS system you
             will have to avoid this option until you have had an oppurtunity
             to upgrade the NFS code to release 2 of 4.4BSD-Lite on all your

     -r      Set the read data size to the specified value.  It should normal-
             ly be a power of 2 greater than or equal to 1024.  This should be
             used for UDP mounts when the ``fragments dropped due to timeout''
             value is getting large while actively using a mount point.  (Use
             netstat(1) with the -s option to see what the ``fragments dropped
             due to timeout'' value is.)  See the -w option as well.

     -s      A soft mount, which implies that file system calls will fail af-

             ter Retry round trip timeout intervals.

     -t      Set the initial retransmit timeout to the specified value.  May
             be useful for fine tuning UDP mounts over internetworks with high
             packet loss rates or an overloaded server.  Try increasing the
             interval if nfsstat(1) shows high retransmit rates while the file
             system is active or reducing the value if there is a low retrans-
             mit rate but long response delay observed.  (Normally, the -d op-
             tion should be specified when using this option to manually tune
             the timeout interval.)

     -w      Set the write data size to the specified value.  Ditto the com-
             ments w.r.t. the -r option, but using the ``fragments dropped due
             to timeout'' value on the server instead of the client.  Note
             that both the -r and -w options should only be used as a last
             ditch effort at improving performance when mounting servers that
             do not support TCP mounts.

     -x      Set the retransmit timeout count for soft mounts to the specified

     mount(2),  unmount(2),  fstab(5),  mount(8)

     Due to the way that Sun RPC is implemented on top of UDP (unreliable
     datagram) transport, tuning such mounts is really a black art that can
     only be expected to have limited success.  For clients mounting servers
     that are not on the same LAN cable or that tend to be overloaded, TCP
     transport is strongly recommended, but unfortunately this is restricted
     to mostly 4.4BSD servers.

4.4BSD                          March 29, 1995                               3

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for mount_nfs(8)
OpenBSD sources for mount_nfs(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Specific Types of File Systems - Specific forms of file systems. DFS, NFS, MS-DOS, etc.
Up to: File System Operations - Operations for entire file-systems (quotas, configuration, consistency, mount, unmount, et al)

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