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NAMED-XFER(8)                                       NAMED-XFER(8)

       named-xfer - ancillary agent for inbound zone transfers

       named-xfer  -z  zone_to_transfer -f db_file -s serial_no [
       -d debuglevel ] [ -l debug_log_file ] [ -t trace_file ]  [
       -p port# ] [ -S ] nameserver

       Named-xfer is an ancillary program executed by named(8) to
       perform an inbound zone transfer.  It is  rarely  executed
       directly, and only by system administrators who are trying
       to debug a zone transfer problem.  See RFC's  1033,  1034,
       and  1035 for more information on the Internet name-domain

       Options are:

       -z     specifies the name of the zone to be transferred.

       -f     specifies the name of the file into which the  zone
              should  be dumped when it is received from the pri-
              mary server.

       -s     specifies the serial number of our current copy  of
              this  zone.   If the SOA RR we get from the primary
              server does not have a serial  number  higher  than
              this, the transfer will be aborted.

       -d     Print  debugging  information.   A number after the
              ``d'' determines the level of messages printed.

       -l     Specifies a log file for debugging  messages.   The
              log file will be written in the directory specified
              in named.boot (which is /var/named in  the  default
              configuration).   Note that this only applies if -d
              is also specified.

       -t     Specifies a trace file which will contain a  proto-
              col  trace  of the zone transfer.  This is probably
              only of  interest  to  people  debugging  the  name
              server itself.

       -p     Use  a  different  port number.  The default is the
              standard port  number  as  returned  by  getservby-
              name(3) for service ``domain''.

       -S     Perform  a  restricted transfer of only the SOA, NS
              records and glue A records for the  zone.  The  SOA
              record will not be loaded by named but will be used
              to determine when to verify the  NS  records.   See
              the ``stubs'' directive in named(8) for more infor-

                          June 26, 1993                         1

NAMED-XFER(8)                                       NAMED-XFER(8)

       Additional arguments are taken as name server addresses in
       so-called  ``dotted-quad''  syntax  only; no host name are
       allowed here.  At least one  address  must  be  specified.
       Any  additional  addresses  will  be tried in order if the
       first one fails to transfer to us successfully.

       named(8), resolver(3), resolver(5), hostname(7), RFC  882,
       RFC  883,  RFC 973, RFC 974, RFC 1033, RFC 1034, RFC 1035,
       RFC 1123, Name Server Operations Guide for BIND

                          June 26, 1993                         2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for named-xfer(8)
OpenBSD sources for named-xfer(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Host, service name, and address operations - Methods and functions for doing address, host, user, and service name lookups (DNS). also Internet Assigned Numbers

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