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PSTAT(8)                OpenBSD System Manager's Manual               PSTAT(8)

     pstat - display system data structures

     pstat [-Tfknstv] [-M core] [-N system]

     Pstat displays open file entry, swap space utilization, terminal state,
     and vnode data structures.  If corefile is given, the information is
     sought there, otherwise in /dev/kmem. The required namelist is taken from
     /bsd unless system is specified.

     The following options are available:

     -T      Prints the number of used and free slots for open files, used vn-
             odes, and swap space. It is useful for checking to see how large
             system tables become if the system is under heavy load.

     -f      Print the open file table with these headings:

             LOC     The core location of this table entry.

             TYPE    The type of object the file table entry points to.

             FLG     Miscellaneous state variables encoded thus:

                     R       open for reading
                     W       open for writing
                     A       open for appending
                     S       shared lock present
                     X       exclusive lock present
                     I       signal pgrp when data ready

             CNT     Number of processes that know this open file.

             MSG     Number of messages outstanding for this file.

             DATA    The location of the vnode table entry or socket structure
                     for this file.

             OFFSET  The file offset (see lseek(2)).

     -k      Use 1K-byte blocks.

     -n      Print devices by major/minor number rather than by name.

     -s      Print information about swap space usage on all the swap areas
             compiled into the kernel.  The first column is the device name of
             the partition.  The next column is the total space available in
             the partition.  The Used column indicates the total blocks used
             so far;  the Available column indicates how much space is remain-
             ing on each partition.  The Capacity reports the percentage of
             space used.

             If more than one partition is configured into the system, totals
             for all of the statistics will be reported in the final line of
             the report.

     -t      Print table for terminals with these headings:

             LINE    Physical device name.

             RAW     Number of characters in raw input queue.

             CAN     Number of characters in canonicalized input queue.

             OUT     Number of characters in output queue.

             HWT     High water mark for output.

             LWT     Low water mark for output.

             COL     Calculated column position of terminal.

             STATE   Miscellaneous state variables encoded thus:

                     T       delay timeout in progress
                     W       waiting for open to complete
                     O       open
                     F       outq has been flushed during DMA
                     C       carrier is on
                     T       delay timeout in progress
                     F       outq has been flushed during DMA
                     B       busy doing output
                     A       process is awaiting output
                     X       open for exclusive use
                     S       output stopped
                     K       further input blocked
                     Y       tty in async I/O mode

             SESS    Enclosing session.

     PGRP    Process group for which this is controlling terminal.

     DISC    Line discipline; `term' for TTYDISC (see termios(4)),  `tab' for
             TABLDISC (see tb(4)),  `slip' for SLIPDISC (see sl(4)),  `ppp'
             for PPPDISC (see ppp(4)),  `strip' for STRIPDISC (see strip(4)).

     -v      Print the active vnodes.  Each group of vnodes corresponding to a
             particular filesystem is preceded by a two line header.  The
             first line consists of the following:

             *** MOUNT fstype from on on fsflags

             where fstype is one of adosfs, afs, cd9660, ext2fs, fdesc, ffs,
             kernfs, lfs, lofs, mfs, msdos, nfs, null, portal, procfs, umap,
             union; from is the filesystem is mounted from; on is the directo-
             ry the filesystem is mounted on; and fsflags is a list of option-
             al flags applied to the mount (see mount(8)).  the first part of
             which are fixed, and the second part are filesystem type specif-
             ic.  The headers common to all vnodes are:

             ADDR    Location of this vnode.

             TYP     File type.

             VFLAG   A list of letters representing vnode flags:

                     R       VROOT root of its file system.
                     T       VTEXT pure text prototype.
                     L       VXLOCK locked to change underlying type.
                     W       VXWANT process is waiting for vnode.
                     S       VSYSTEM vnode being used by kernel.
                     A       VALIASED vnode has an alias
                     B       VBWAIT waiting for output to complete
                     D       VDIROP lfs vnode involved in directory op.

             USE     The number of references to this vnode.

             HOLD    The number of I/O buffers held by this vnode.

             FILEID  The vnode fileid.  In the case of ffs this is the inode

             IFLAG   Miscellaneous filesystem specific state variables encoded

                     For ffs:
                             L       locked
                             U       update time (fs(5))  must be corrected
                             A       access time must be corrected
                             W       wanted by another process (L flag is on)
                             C       changed time must be corrected
                             S       shared lock applied
                             E       exclusive lock applied
                             Z       someone waiting for a lock
                             M       contains modifications
                             R       has a rename in progress

                     For nfs:
                             W       waiting for I/O buffer flush to complete
                             P       I/O buffers being flushed
                             M       locally modified data exists
                             E       an earlier write failed
                             X       non-cacheable lease (nqnfs)
                             O       write lease (nqnfs)
                             G       lease was evicted (nqnfs)

                             Number of bytes in an ordinary file, or major and
                             minor device of special file.

     BLOCKSIZE  If the environment variable BLOCKSIZE is set, and the -k op-
                tion is not specified, the block counts will be displayed in
                units of that size block.

     /bsd          namelist
     /dev/kmem     default source of tables

     ps(1),  systat(1),  stat(2),  fs(5),  iostat(8),  vmstat(8)

     Swap statistics are reported for all swap partitions compiled into the
     kernel, regardless of whether those partitions are being used.

     Does not understand NFS swap servers.

     The pstat command appeared in 4.0BSD.

4th Berkeley Distribution       April 19, 1994                               3

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for pstat(8)
OpenBSD sources for pstat(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: File System Information - Obtaining information of the filesystem as a whole. Status of disk subsystems, capacity, etc.
Up to: Terminal I/O - low-level character based display (TTY) and keyboard routines.
Up to: Local machine and Operating System Information - kernel topics, uname, boot, shutdown, et al
Up to: Running Process Information - Getting information on running processes.

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