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PWD_MKDB(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual PWD_MKDB(8)
pwd_mkdb - generate the password databases
pwd_mkdb [-c] [-p] [-d directory] file
Pwd_mkdb creates db(3) style secure and insecure databases for the speci-
fied file. These databases are then installed into ``/etc/spwd.db'' and
``/etc/pwd.db'' respectively. The file is installed into
``/etc/master.passwd''. The file must be in the correct format (see
passwd(5)). It is important to note that the format used in this system
is different from the historic Version 7 style format.
The options are as follows:
-c Check if the password file is in the correct format. Do not change,
add, or remove any files.
-p Create a Version 7 style password file and install it into
-d Operate in a base directory other than the default of ``/etc''.
file The absolute path to a file in master.passwd format, as described
in passwd(5).
The two databases differ in that the secure version contains the user's
encrypted password and the insecure version has an asterisk (``*'')
The databases are used by the C library password routines (see
Pwd_mkdb exits zero on success, non-zero on failure.
/etc/master.passwd The current password file.
/etc/passwd A Version 7 format password file.
/etc/pwd.db The insecure password database file.
/etc/pwd.db.tmp A temporary file.
/etc/spwd.db The secure password database file.
/etc/spwd.db.tmp A temporary file.
Because of the necessity for atomic update of the password files,
pwd_mkdb uses rename(2) to install them. This, however, requires that
the file specified on the command line live on the same file system as
the ``/etc'' directory.
There are the obvious races with multiple people running pwd_mkdb on dif-
ferent password files at the same time. The front-ends to pwd_mkdb,
chpass(1), passwd(1) and vipw(8), handle the locking necessary to avoid
this problem.
Previous versions of the system had a program similar to pwd_mkdb,
mkpasswd(8), which built dbm(3) style databases for the password file
but depended on the calling programs to install them. The program was
renamed in order that previous users of the program not be surprised by
the changes in functionality.
chpass(1), passwd(1), db(3), getpwent(3), passwd(5), vipw(8)
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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