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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD Others

RPC.LOCKD(8)            OpenBSD System Manager's Manual           RPC.LOCKD(8)

     rpc.lockd - NFS file locking daemon

     rpc.lockd [-d [debug_level]]

     rpc.lockd is a daemon which provides file- and record-locking services in
     an NFS environment.

     Options and operands available for rpc.lockd:

     -d      The -d option causes debugging information to be written to sys-
             log, recording all RPC transactions to the daemon.  These mes-
             sages are logged with level LOG_DEBUG and facility LOG_DAEMON.
             If debug_level is not specified, level 1 is assumed, giving one
             log line per protocol operation.  Higher debug levels can be
             specified, causing display of operation arguments and internal
             operations of the daemon.

     Error conditions are logged to syslog, irrespective of the debug level,
     using log level LOG_ERR and facility LOG_DAEMON.

     The rpc.lockd daemon must NOT be invoked by inetd(8) because the protocol
     assumes that the daemon will run from system start time.  Instead, it
     should be run from rc(8) after the network has been started.

     /usr/include/rpcsvc/nlm_prot.x  RPC protocol specification for the net-
                                     work lock manager protocol.

     syslog(3),  rc(8),  rpc.statd(8)

     The current implementation provides only the server side of the protocol
     (ie. clients running other OS types can establish locks on a OpenBSD
     fileserver, but there is currently no means for a OpenBSD client to es-
     tablish locks).

     Versions 1, 2 and 3 of the protocol are supported.  However, only ver-
     sions 2 (Unix systems) and 3 (PC-NFS clients) seem to be in common use -
     the version 1 support has not been tested due to the lack of version 1
     clients against which to test.

     The implementation is based on the specification in X/Open CAE Specifica-
     tion C218, "Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: XNFS, Issue 4", ISBN 1
     872630 66 9

OpenBSD 2.3                   September 24, 1995                             1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for rpc.lockd(8)
OpenBSD sources for rpc.lockd(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Specific Types of File Systems - Specific forms of file systems. DFS, NFS, MS-DOS, etc.
Up to: File Transfer and Distribution - Protocols and Methods of transfering files and directories, distributing and installing software. (file collections and archives, FTP, cvsup, NFS, et al.)

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD Others

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