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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD NetBSD

SLSTATS(8)              OpenBSD System Manager's Manual             SLSTATS(8)

     slstats - report slip statistics

     slstats [-M core] [-N system] [-v] [-i interval] [unit-number]

     The slstats utility reports slip-related statistics for the sl`unit-
     number' interface.  If the unit-number is unspecified, it defaults to 0.
     These statistics are displayed at regular intervals.

     The display is split horizontally into input and output sections contain-
     ing columns of statistics describing the properties and volume of packets
     received and transmitted by the specified interface.

     The first report will consist of a snapshot of the interface's present
     statistics.  All further output will describe activity between report in-

     The options are as follows:

     -v         Display additional statistics demonstrating the efficacy of VJ
                header compression and providing more explicit information on
                failure distribution.

     -i         Specifies the interval between reports. The default interval
                is 5 seconds.

     -M core    Extract values associated with the name list from the speci-

     -N system  Extract the name list from the specified system instead of the
                default /bsd.

     The following fields are printed on the input side:

     IN      The total number of bytes received by this interface.

     PACK    The total number of packets received by this interface.

     COMP    The number of compressed TCP packets received by this interface.

     UNCOMP  The number of uncompressed TCP packets received by this inter-

     ERR     The number of packets received by this interface of unknown type.

     TOSS    The number of packets dropped on reception by this interface.
             Only reported when the -v option is specified.

     IP      The total number of non-TCP packets received by this interface.
             Only reported when the -v option is specified.

     The following fields are printed on the output side:

     OUT     The total number of bytes transmitted from this interface.

     PACK    The total number of packets transmitted from this interface.

     COMP    The number of TCP packets compressed and then transmitted from
             this interface.

     UNCOMP  The number of uncompressed TCP packets transmitted from this in-


     IP      The total number of non-TCP packets transmitted from this inter-

     SEARCH  The number of searches for the cached header entry for a com-
             pressed packet.  Only reported when the -v option is specified.

     MISS    The number of failed searches for the cached header entry for a
             compressed packet.  Only reported when the -v option is speci-

     Should take an interface name and not a unit number.


                                 July 5, 1993                                2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
OpenBSD sources for slstats(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Communication and Network Monitoring - status reporting, logging, et al

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD NetBSD

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