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TCPDCHK(8)              OpenBSD System Manager's Manual             TCPDCHK(8)

     tcpdchk - tcp wrapper configuration checker

     tcpdchk [-a] [-d] [-i inet_conf] [-v]

     tcpdchk examines your tcp wrapper configuration and reports all potential
     and real problems it can find. The program examines the tcpd(8) access
     control files (by default, these are /etc/hosts.allow and
     /etc/hosts.deny), and compares the entries in these files against entries
     in the inetd(8) network configuration file.

     tcpdchk reports problems such as non-existent pathnames; services that
     appear in tcpd(8) access control rules, but are not controlled by
     tcpd(8);  services that should not be wrapped; non-existent host names or
     non-internet address forms; occurrences of host aliases instead of offi-
     cial host names; hosts with a name/address conflict; inappropriate use of
     wildcard patterns; inappropriate use of NIS netgroups or references to
     non-existent NIS netgroups; references to non-existent options; invalid
     arguments to options; and so on.

     Where possible, tcpdchk provides a helpful suggestion to fix the problem.

     -a            Report access control rules that permit access without an
                   explicit ALLOW keyword.

     -d            Examine hosts.allow and hosts.deny files in the current di-
                   rectory instead of the default ones.

     -i inet_conf  Specify this option when tcpdchk is unable to find your
                   inetd.conf network configuration file, or when you wish to
                   test with a non-default one.

     -v            Display the contents of each access control rule.  Daemon
                   lists, client lists, shell commands and options are shown
                   in a pretty-printed format; this makes it easier for you to
                   spot any discrepancies between what you want and what the
                   program understands.

     The default locations of the tcpd(8) access control tables are:

     /etc/hosts.allow  Access control table (allow list)
     /etc/hosts.deny   Access control table (deny list)

     hosts_access(5),  hosts_options(5),  inetd.conf(5),  tcpdmatch(8).

           Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl),
           Department of Mathematics and Computing Science,
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513,
           5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

OpenBSD 2.3                      June 23, 1997                               1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
OpenBSD sources for tcpdchk(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Communication Filtering and Firewalls - Preventing certain types of communication. Communication security, encryption, et al. -

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