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How can printf use %f for type double, if scanf requires %lf? []
When I set a float variable to 3.1, why is printf printing it as 3.0999999? []
What's a good way to check for "close enough'' floating-point equality? []
The pre-#defined constant M_PI seems to be missing from <math.h>. []
How Accurate and Precise is libm.a? [ 2000/03/16]
G-format - VAX BSD4.2 compiler modifications to use G-format fp. {oss}
simplex - Simplex Curve Fitting Algorithm in C {oss}
Tiresize.C - Calculate English dimensions for standard metric tire sizes {oss}
math (3) - introduction to mathematical library functions {oss}
copysign finite ilogb nextafter remainder scalbn (3) - Functions for IEEE arithmetic {oss}
atof (3) - convert ASCII string to double {oss}
strtod (3) - convert ASCII string to double {oss}
exp expm1 log log10 log1p pow (3) - exponential, logarithm, power functions {oss}
fabs (3) - floating-point absolute value function {oss}
cabs (3) - euclidean distance and complex absolute value functions {oss}
erf erfc (3) - error function operators {oss}
fmod (3) - floating-point remainder function {oss}
frexp expm1 log log10 log1p pow (3) - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components {oss}
modf (3) - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number {oss}
lgamma (3) - log gamma function {oss}
ldexp expm1 log log10 log1p pow (3) - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2 {oss}
logb scalb significand (3) - IEEE test functions {oss}
isinf isnan (3) - test for infinity or not-a-number {oss}
j0 j1 jn y0 y1 yn (3) - bessel functions of first and second kind {oss}
cbrt sqrt (3) - cube root and square root functions {oss}
ceil (3) - round to smallest integral value greater than or equal {oss}
floor (3) - round to largest integral value not greater than x {oss}
rint (3) - round to integral value in floating point format {oss}
p5-Math-Currency-0.11 - Perl module for exact currency math with formatting and rounding
p5-Math-FixedPrecision-0.14 - Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
py22-mpz-2.2.1 - Python bindings to the GNU Multiple Precision library
Dbl2Long.C - Rounds doubles to longs {oss}
Dblround.How,Dblround.C - Rounds a double to nearest whole number {oss}
Etphi.C - Compute Euler's Totient function (phi) {oss}
Metric.H - English <-> Metric and other conversion macros {oss}
Bcdd.C, Bcdd.Doc - BCD math (to/from double) functions {oss}
Round.H - Rounding macros {oss}
Ldfloor.C - Long double floor {oss}
Logscale.C - Fast logarithmic integer scaling function {oss}
Fraction.C - Convert a real number to an integer ratio {oss}
Ipow.C - Raise a number to an integer power {oss}
complex-lib - Complex arithmetic library {oss}
gmp - , GNU mp, is a library for arithmetic on arbitrary precision integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. {LGPL,GNU}
Math::Brent - One-dimenstional function minimization. [Perl] {oss}
Math::Derivative - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation. [Perl] {oss}
Math::Amoeba - An implementation of the Downhill Simplex multidimensional method. Use it to compute the local minimum of a function. [Perl] {oss}
Math::Approx - Approximates mathematical functions: you provide the function. Requires Math::Matrix. [Perl] {oss}
Math::Fortran - A very simple module that provides two mathematical functions not provided by Perl: log10() and sign(). [Perl] {oss}
Math::Spline - Cubic spline interpolation. Requires Math::Derivative. [Perl] {oss}
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See also Trigonometric - Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, et al)
Up to Math - Gateway topic to math and numeric processing routines.
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