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p5-Math-Base85-0.1 - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
goldstr-1.6.0 - Compute the golden string
xabacus-5.5.2 - Abacus for X Window System
p5-Math-BigInt-1.49 - Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
nums - list-of-numbers generator {oss}
abs (3) - integer absolute value function {oss}
qabs (3) - return the absolute value of a quad integer {oss}
qdiv (3) - return quotient and remainder from division {oss}
htonl htons ntohl ntohs htobe32 htobe16 betoh32 betoh16 htole32 htole16 letoh32 letoh16 swap32 swap16 (3) - convert values between different byte orderings {oss}
div (3) - return quotient and remainder from division {oss}
labs (3) - return the absolute value of a long integer {oss}
ldiv (3) - return quotient and remainder from division {oss}
swab (3) - swap adjacent bytes {oss}
libgmp-4.0.1 - GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
libgmp-2001.08.07 - A library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
libgmp3-3.1.1 - GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
p5-Math-BigIntFast-6.0 - Perl module wrapper for Bit::Vector to provide big integer math
Isqrt.C - Integer square root {oss}
Bcdl.C - BCD math (to/from long) functions {oss}
Minmax.H - Macros & typesafe C++ templates for min() and max() {oss}
Bigfac.C - Do large factorials using ASCII multiply {oss}
Factor.C - Print prime factorization of a number (double) {oss}
Ifactor.C - Print prime factorization of a number (long) {oss}
Ispow2.C - Is a number an integral power of 2? {oss}
Rnd_Div.C - Integer division with rounding {oss}
Parity.H,Parity.C - Header for PARITY.C {oss}
Parity.C - Compute parity for any integral type {oss}
Bignum.H, Bignum1,C, Bignum2.C, Bigtest.C - Cliff Rhodes' package of unsigned integer math for arbitrarily large numbers {oss}
gmp - , GNU mp, is a library for arithmetic on arbitrary precision integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. {LGPL,GNU}
Math::BigInteger - An interface to the bignum library; like the Math::BigInt module bundled with Perl, but faster. [Perl] {oss}
Math::Fraction - Meant to replace bigrat.pl, this module lets you manipulate fractions with Perl. [Perl] {oss}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
see also Binary math - Binary (base 2, Boolean) math
see also Floating point math - Floating point math (including complex numbers)
see also String-Integer-String conversions - Converting strings to and from integers. ascii to long, long to ascii, etc.
see also Random Numbers
Up to Math - Gateway topic to math and numeric processing routines.
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X. Unix/BSD/Linux. | Prog.Language:
C/C++. Perl. PHP. | License:
Commercial. Open-source. GPL or LGPL. |
Stable. Pre-production. |
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