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Curses (Library for text display interfaces)
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Curses keyboard input - Curses (Library for text display interface) keyboard interface

Curses forms - Curses (Library for text display interface) on screen forms

Curses menus - Curses (Library for text display interface) on screen menus

#Overviews and other related subjects# - related, but not under or including this subject directly.

Libraries and Components: Showing

getch wgetch mvgetch mvwgetch ungetch (3) - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: FreeBSD

mcprint (3) - ship binary data to printer {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

wresize (3) - resize a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

baudrate erasechar has_ic has_il killchar longname termattrs termname (3) - curses environment query routines baudrate, erasechar, has_ic, has_il, killchar, longname, termattrs, termname {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

addch waddch mvaddch mvwaddch echochar wechochar (3) - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

addchstr addchnstr waddchstr waddchnstr mvaddchstr mvaddchnstr mvwaddchstr mvwaddchnstr (3) - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

addstr addnstr waddstr waddnstr mvaddstr mvaddnstr mvwaddstr mvwaddnstr (3) - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

start_color init_pair init_color has_colors can_change_color color_content pair_content (3) - curses color manipulation routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

attroff wattroff attron wattron attrset wattrset standend wstandend standout wstandout (3) - curses character and window attribute control routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: FreeBSD

delch wdelch mvdelch mvwdelch (3) - delete character under the cursor in a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

deleteln wdeleteln insdelln winsdelln insertln win- sertln (3) - delete and insert lines in a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

getstr wgetstr mvgetstr mvwgetstr wgetnstr (3) - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

getyx getparyx getbegyx getmaxyx (3) - get curses cursor and window coordinates {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

inch winch mvinch mvwinch (3) - get a character and attributes from a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: FreeBSD

inchstr inchnstr winchstr winchnstr mvinchstr mvinchnstr mvwinchstr mvwinchnstr (3) - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

initscr newterm endwin isendwin set_term delscreen (3) - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

insch winsch mvinsch mvwinsch (3) - insert a character before cursor in a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

insstr insnstr winsstr winsnstr mvinsstr mvinsnstr mvwinsstr mvwinsnstr (3) - insert string before cursor in a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

instr innstr winstr winnstr mvinstr mvinnstr mvwinstr mvwinnstr (3) - get a string of characters from a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

def_prog_mode def_shell_mode reset_prog_mode reset_shell_mode resetty savetty getsyx setsyx ripoffline curs_set napms (3) - low-level curses routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

getmouse ungetmouse mousemask (3) - mouse interface through curses {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

move wmove (3) - move curses window cursor {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

newpad subpad prefresh pnoutrefresh pechochar (3) - create and display curses pads {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

printw wprintw mvprintw mvwprintw vwprintw (3) - print formatted output in curses windows {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

refresh wrefresh wnoutrefresh doupdate redrawwin wre- drawln (3) - refresh curses windows and lines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

scanw wscanw mvscanw mvwscanw vwscanw (3) - convert formatted input from a curses widow {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

scr_dump scr_restore scr_init scr_set (3) - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

scroll srcl wscrl (3) - scroll a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

slk_init slk_set slk_refresh slk_noutrefresh slk_label slk_clear slk_restore slk_touch slk_attron slk_attrset slk_attroff (3) - curses soft label routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

touchwin touchline untouchwin wtouchln is_linetouched is_wintouched (3) - curses refresh control routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

unctrl keyname filter use_env putwin getwin delay_output flushinp (3) - miscellaneous curses utility routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

newwin delwin mvwin subwin derwin mvderwin dupwin wsyncup syncok wcursyncup wsyncdown (3) - create curses windows {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

curses (3) - CRT screen handling and optimization package {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: FreeBSD

bkgdset wbkgdset bkgd wbkgd (3) - curses window background manipulation routines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

border wborder box hline whline vline wvline (3) - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

erase werase clear wclear clrtobot wclrtobot clrtoeol wclrtoeol (3) - clear all or part of a curses window {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

clearok idlok idcok immedok leaveok setscrreg wsetscrreg scrollok nl nonl (3) - curses output options {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

overlay overwrite copywin (3) - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

define_key (3) - define a keycode {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

dft_fgbg (3) - use terminal's default colors {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD

ocurses (3) - screen functions with ``optimal'' cursor motion {oss}

new_panel bottom_panel top_panel show_panel update_panels hide_panel panel_window replace_panel move_panel panel_hidden panel_above panel_below set_panel_userptr panel_userptr del_panel (3) - panel stack extension for curses {oss}

Libraries and Functions

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Related Subjects (Man pages)
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Up to User Interface - Gateway topic to presentation (like printing and graphics) and user interface routines. Textual User Interfaces Curses et al.

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