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List value constructors

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List value constructors

List values are denoted by separating individual values by commas (and enclosing the list in parentheses where precedence requires it):


In a context not requiring a list value, the value of the list literal is the value of the final element, as with the C comma operator. For example,

    @foo = ('cc', '-E', $bar);

assigns the entire list value to array foo, but

    $foo = ('cc', '-E', $bar);

assigns the value of variable bar to variable foo. Note that the value of an actual array in a scalar context is the length of the array; the following assigns the value 3 to $foo:

    @foo = ('cc', '-E', $bar);
    $foo = @foo;                # $foo gets 3

You may have an optional comma before the closing parenthesis of a list literal, so that you can say:

    @foo = (

LISTs do automatic interpolation of sublists. That is, when a LIST is evaluated, each element of the list is evaluated in a list context, and the resulting list value is interpolated into LIST just as if each individual element were a member of LIST. Thus arrays lose their identity in a LIST--the list


contains all the elements of @foo followed by all the elements of @bar, followed by all the elements returned by the subroutine named SomeSub when it's called in a list context. To make a list reference that does NOT interpolate, see the perlref manpage.

The null list is represented by (). Interpolating it in a list has no effect. Thus ((),(),()) is equivalent to (). Similarly, interpolating an array with no elements is the same as if no array had been interpolated at that point.

A list value may also be subscripted like a normal array. You must put the list in parentheses to avoid ambiguity. For example:

    # Stat returns list value.
    $time = (stat($file))[8];

    $time = stat($file)[8];  # OOPS, FORGOT PARENTHESES

    # Find a hex digit.
    $hexdigit = ('a','b','c','d','e','f')[$digit-10];

    # A "reverse comma operator".
    return (pop(@foo),pop(@foo))[0];

You may assign to undef in a list. This is useful for throwing away some of the return values of a function:

    ($dev, $ino, undef, undef, $uid, $gid) = stat($file);

Lists may be assigned to if and only if each element of the list is legal to assign to:

    ($a, $b, $c) = (1, 2, 3);

    ($map{'red'}, $map{'blue'}, $map{'green'}) = (0x00f, 0x0f0, 0xf00);

Array assignment in a scalar context returns the number of elements produced by the expression on the right side of the assignment:

    $x = (($foo,$bar) = (3,2,1));       # set $x to 3, not 2
    $x = (($foo,$bar) = f());           # set $x to f()'s return count

This is very handy when you want to do a list assignment in a Boolean context, because most list functions return a null list when finished, which when assigned produces a 0, which is interpreted as FALSE.

The final element may be an array or a hash:

    ($a, $b, @rest) = split;
    local($a, $b, %rest) = @_;

You can actually put an array or hash anywhere in the list, but the first one in the list will soak up all the values, and anything after it will get a null value. This may be useful in a local() or my().

A hash literal contains pairs of values to be interpreted as a key and a value:

    # same as map assignment above
    %map = ('red',0x00f,'blue',0x0f0,'green',0xf00);

While literal lists and named arrays are usually interchangeable, that's not the case for hashes. Just because you can subscript a list value like a normal array does not mean that you can subscript a list value as a hash. Likewise, hashes included as parts of other lists (including parameters lists and return lists from functions) always flatten out into key/value pairs. That's why it's good to use references sometimes.

It is often more readable to use the => operator between key/value pairs. The => operator is mostly just a more visually distinctive synonym for a comma, but it also arranges for its left-hand operand to be interpreted as a string, if it's a bareword which would be a legal identifier. This makes it nice for initializing hashes:

    %map = (
                 red   => 0x00f,
                 blue  => 0x0f0,
                 green => 0xf00,

or for initializing hash references to be used as records:

    $rec = {
                witch => 'Mable the Merciless',
                cat   => 'Fluffy the Ferocious',
                date  => '10/31/1776',

or for using call-by-named-parameter to complicated functions:

   $field = $query->radio_group(
               name      => 'group_name',
               values    => ['eenie','meenie','minie'],
               default   => 'meenie',
               linebreak => 'true',
               labels    => \%labels

Note that just because a hash is initialized in that order doesn't mean that it comes out in that order. See sort for examples of how to arrange for an output ordering.

Source: Perl data types
Copyright: Larry Wall, et al.
Next: Typeglobs and Filehandles

Previous: Scalar value constructors

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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