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The most important thing to understand about all data structures in Perl -- including multidimensional arrays--is that even though they might appear otherwise, Perl @ARRAYs and %HASHes are all internally one-dimensional. They can hold only scalar values (meaning a string, number, or a reference). They cannot directly contain other arrays or hashes, but instead contain references to other arrays or hashes.

You can't use a reference to a array or hash in quite the same way that you would a real array or hash. For C or C++ programmers unused to distinguishing between arrays and pointers to the same, this can be confusing. If so, just think of it as the difference between a structure and a pointer to a structure.

You can (and should) read more about references in the perlref(1) man page. Briefly, references are rather like pointers that know what they point to. (Objects are also a kind of reference, but we won't be needing them right away--if ever.) This means that when you have something which looks to you like an access to a two-or-more-dimensional array and/or hash, what's really going on is that the base type is merely a one-dimensional entity that contains references to the next level. It's just that you can use it as though it were a two-dimensional one. This is actually the way almost all C multidimensional arrays work as well.

    $list[7][12]                        # array of arrays
    $list[7]{string}                    # array of hashes
    $hash{string}[7]                    # hash of arrays
    $hash{string}{'another string'}     # hash of hashes

Now, because the top level contains only references, if you try to print out your array in with a simple print() function, you'll get something that doesn't look very nice, like this:

    @LoL = ( [2, 3], [4, 5, 7], [0] );
    print $LoL[1][2];
    print @LoL;

That's because Perl doesn't (ever) implicitly dereference your variables. If you want to get at the thing a reference is referring to, then you have to do this yourself using either prefix typing indicators, like ${$blah}, @{$blah}, @{$blah[$i]}, or else postfix pointer arrows, like $a->[3], $h->{fred}, or even $ob->method()->[3].

Source: Perl Data Structures Cookbook
Copyright: Larry Wall, et al.

Previous: more elaborate constructs

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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