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In a sense, Perl already is commercial software: It has a licence that you can grab and carefully read
to your manager. It is distributed in releases and comes in well-defined
packages. There is a very large user community and an extensive literature.
The comp.lang.perl.* newsgroups and several of the mailing lists provide
free answers to your questions in near real-time. Perl has traditionally
been supported by Larry, dozens of software designers and developers, and
thousands of programmers, all working for free to create a useful thing to
make life better for everyone.
However, these answers may not suffice for managers who require a purchase
order from a company whom they can sue should anything go wrong. Or maybe
they need very serious hand-holding and contractual obligations.
Shrink-wrapped CDs with perl on them are available from several sources if
that will help.
Or you can purchase a real support contract. Although Cygnus historically
provided this service, they no longer sell support contracts for Perl.
Instead, the Paul Ingram Group will be taking up the slack through The Perl
Clinic. The following is a commercial from them:
``Do you need professional support for Perl and/or Oraperl? Do you need a
support contract with defined levels of service? Do you want to pay only
for what you need?
``The Paul Ingram Group has provided quality software development and support services to some of the world's largest corporations for ten years. We are now offering the same quality support services for Perl at The Perl Clinic. This service is led by Tim Bunce, an active perl porter since 1994 and well known as the author and maintainer of the
DBI, DBD::Oracle, and Oraperl modules and author/co-maintainer of The Perl 5 Module List. We also offer Oracle users support for Perl5 Oraperl and related modules (which Oracle is planning to ship as part of Oracle Web Server 3). 20% of the profit from our Perl support work will be donated to The Perl Institute.''
For more information, contact the The Perl Clinic:
Tel: +44 1483 424424
Fax: +44 1483 419419
Web: http://www.perl.co.uk/
Email: perl-support-info@perl.co.uk or Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk
Source: Perl FAQ: Obtaining and Learning about Perl Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington. |
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