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First try
seek(GWFILE, 0, 1);
The statement seek(GWFILE, 0, 1) doesn't change the current position, but it does clear the end-of-file condition on the handle, so that the next
<GWFILE> makes Perl try again to read something.
If that doesn't work (it relies on features of your stdio implementation),
then you need something more like this:
for (;;) {
for ($curpos = tell(GWFILE); <GWFILE>; $curpos = tell(GWFILE)) {
# search for some stuff and put it into files
# sleep for a while
seek(GWFILE, $curpos, 0); # seek to where we had been
If this still doesn't work, look into the
POSIX module.
POSIX defines the clearerr() method, which can remove the end of file condition on a filehandle. The method: read until end of file, clearerr(), read some more. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Source: Perl FAQ: Files and Formats Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington. |
Next: How do I dup() a filehandle in Perl?
Previous: How do I create a file only if it doesn't exist?
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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