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exit EXPR
EXPR and exits immediately with that value. (Actually,
it calls any defined END routines first, but the END routines may not abort the exit. Likewise any object destructors that need
to be called are called before exit.) Example:
$ans = <STDIN>;
exit 0 if $ans =~ /^[Xx]/;
See also die(). If
EXPR is omitted, exits with 0 status. The only universally portable values for
EXPR are 0 for success and 1 for error; all other values are subject to unpredictable interpretation depending on the environment in which the Perl program is running.
You shouldn't use exit() to abort a subroutine if there's any
chance that someone might want to trap whatever error happened. Use
die() instead, which can be trapped by an eval().
Source: Perl builtin functions Copyright: Larry Wall, et al. |
Next: exp EXPR
Previous: exists EXPR
(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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