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WWW authoring
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WWW Servers Respond to HTTP requests
WWW robots and proxies Automatic processing of HTTP requests
WWW Browsers User interface for accessing the WWW
Up to: World Wide Web - HTTP, HTML, standards, browsers, transfer utilities, servers, et al.
See also: Text Editors and Word Processors
My CGI script runs from the command line but not the browser. Can you help me fix it?
How do I download a file from the user's machine? How do I open a file on another machine?
How do I make sure users can't enter values into a form that cause my CGI script to do bad things?
Public Bookmark Generator (PBM) - PBM is a small Perl script that helps you make your bookmarks available for public distribution by using the description field of your Netscape bookmarks. {(L)GPL}
Dead Link Check (DLC) - DLC - HTTP link checker written in Perl. Can generate HTML output for easy checking of results and process a link cache file to hasten multiple requests. Initially created as an extension to Public Bookmark Generator (PBM); can be used alone. {(L)GPL}
Mason - Mason is a powerful Perl-based component development system, most often used to dynamically construct web pages. With Mason you can intermix Perl code with HTML, XML, etc. and construct output from modular components. {oss}
XML::Stream - XML::Stream is a Perl module that provides method to connect to another machine and stream XML between them. This module was created to augment the Jabber protocol which uses XML as its data format. {(L)GPL}
a simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5. p5-HTML-QuickCheck-1.0b1 A simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
WIRM - WIRM is a perl-based application server. Woohoo! {(L)GPL}
Perl Server Pages - An object-oriented web development system which allows the construction of dynamic content from a set of files that resemble HTML with some perl inline markup. It has a driver (optimized for FastCGI and mod_perl), a compiler, and a set of extensions {(L)GPL}
The Iaido Project - The goal of the Iaido project is to create an Open Source next generation object-oriented web content management and application framework. {oss}
Gnu Fast Object Linked Image Organizer - GPL'd tools to organize your digital / digitized photos and images. Used with Apache, ImageMagick, PerlMagick, MySQL and Perl, Gfolio is a collection of scripts to build and maintain a photo / image album database in MySQL with a webbrowser interface. {(L)GPL}
The PartyTime Photo Community - Share you digital pictures online. Allow your viewers to comment on the pictures! Based on PERL CGI-BIN. No database software required. Java Servlet/XML version in development. {(L)GPL}
Core Object Rendering Engine - The Core Object Rendering Engine is an extensible, template driven, web application platform and content manager. All data, including sql tables, are accessible from a tree of tied hashes. Branches can easily be incorporated into existing web pages. {oss}
Monkster - Monkster is a framework for enabling web pages with themes. Initially themes will be from E and GTK, but the theme parser will be entensible to enable users to choose other package themes. Eventually Monkster will be a complete web site development t {(L)GPL}
bk2site Transforms Netscape bookmark file into yahoo-like website. {GPL}
ROADS A free Yahoo-like system written in Perl {Artistic}
Catalog Build, maintain and display Yahoo! like resources catalogs. {GPL}
perl5 module for writing HTML documents. p5-HTML-0.6 Perl5 module for writing HTML documents
HTML::QuickCheck - Fast and simple HTML validation. [Perl] {oss}
perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities. p5-HTML-Stream-1.45 Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
SGMLS - Classes for use with the SGMLS and NSGMLS parsers. (SGML stands for Standard Generlized Markup Language. HTML is almost an example of an SGML.) [Perl] {oss}
The libwww Bundle - Contains eight big module sets related to the World Wide Web: HTML, LWP, MIME, WWW, HTTP, URI, File, and Font. See their entries elsewhere in this document. If you install the entire libwww bundle, you'll get them all. Do it. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::AsSubs - Functions that construct an HTML syntax tree. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Base - Methods for building HTML tags. Obsoleted by many other modules. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Embperl - Lets you embed Perl code in your HTML documents. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Entities - Convert strings to/from valid HTML strings, which replace funky characters with special glyphs called HTML entities. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::FormatPS - Convert HTML to PostScript. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::FormatText - Convert HTML to plain text. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::HTML32 .dtd - The HTML definition. This isn't a module, just a plain document that you might find useful. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::ISOlat1.sgml - The ISO Latin 1 definition. This isn't a module, just a plain document that you might find useful. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Parse - Parse HTML text. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Parser - SGML parser class. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::PHTML - Embed Perl in HTML; suited for FastCGI and Apache/mod_perl. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Simple - Yet another way of creating HTML. Not as robust as the libwww library. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::TreeBuilder - Parser that builds an HTML syntax tree. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::dtd2pm.pl - A Perl library file (not a module!) that generates the HTML parser in Perl automatically, by reading the HTML Document Type Definition (see HTML::HTML32.dtd). Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTTP::Headers - A class encapsulating HTTP message headers. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTTP::Message - A base class encapsulating HTTP messages. Used by HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTTP::Negotiate - Implements the HTTP content negotiation algorithm, which lets browser and web server mutually agree on a content representation. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTTP::Request - Class encapsulating HTTP requests. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTTP::Response - Class encapsulating HTTP responses. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::Element - Class for objects that represent HTML elements. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
HTML::LinkExtor - Extracts links from an HTML document. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
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