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NUL Terminated String processing

NUL terminated string operations (strcpy, strlen, etc)
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NUL terminated String Comparison and Search covers functions for comparing strings, finding characters within strings, et al.

See also: String-Integer-String conversions - Converting strings to and from integers. ascii to long, long to ascii, etc.

See also: String-Non-Integer-String conversions (conversion to and from floating point, time, dates, et al.)

See also: Host, service name, and address operations - Methods and functions for doing address, host, user, and service name lookups. also Internet Assigned Numbers

See also: File Path Name Strings - Operations on hierarchical names (paths, files, identifiers)

See also: Text Output - generating text and character output.

See also: File filtering and processing - Methods of filtering and processing files. (character translation, comparison, search, word counts, etc.)

Up to Text Strings - Gateway topic to character and string processing routines. NUL Terminated String processing String conversions,et al. ascii to long, long to

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How do I find matching/nesting anything?

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How do I reverse a string?

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How do I expand tabs in a string?

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How do I reformat a paragraph?

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How can I access/change the first N letters of a string?

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How do I change the Nth occurrence of something?

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How can I count the number of occurrences of a substring within a string?

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How do I capitalize all the words on one line?

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How can I split a [character] delimited string except when inside

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How do I strip blank space from the beginning/end of a string?

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How do I extract selected columns from a string?

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How do I find the soundex value of a string?

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How do I process each word on each line?

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How do I remove HTML from a string?

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(Perl builtin function) chomp VARIABLE This is a slightly safer version of chop.

(Perl builtin function) chop VARIABLE Chops off the last character of a string.

(Perl builtin function) join EXPR,LIST Joins the separate strings of LIST into a single string with fields separated by the value of EXPR.

(Perl builtin function) length EXPR Returns the length in characters of the value of EXPR.

(Perl builtin function) quotemeta EXPR Returns the value of EXPR with all non-alphanumeric characters backslashed.

(Perl builtin function) reverse LIST Returns elements of a LIST or characters of a scalar in the opposite order.

(Perl builtin function) s/// The substitution operator. See the perlop manpage.

(Perl builtin function) split /PATTERN/,EXPR,LIMIT Splits a string into an array of strings, and returns it.

(Perl builtin function) sprintf FORMAT, LIST Returns a string formatted by the usual printf conventions of the C library function sprintf(). See sprintf(3) or printf(3) on your system for an

(Perl builtin function) substr EXPR,OFFSET,LEN Extracts a substring out

(Perl builtin function) tr/// The translation operator. Same as y///. See the perlop manpage.

(Perl builtin function) uc EXPR Returns an uppercased version of EXPR.

(Perl builtin function) ucfirst EXPR Returns the value of EXPR with the first character uppercased.

(Perl builtin function) y/// The translation operator. Same as tr///. See the perlop manpage.

String::Parity - Parity functions for strings. In an ideal world, this module would be obsolete, because everything would be 8-bit clean and strings would use one of the 8 bit ISO character sets if not UNICODE. But some prehistoric device called "modems" still use [Perl] {oss}


String::ShellQuote - Quotes strings for safe passage through shells. [Perl] {oss}


Text::StripHigh - Converts eight-bit characters to seven bits. [Perl] {oss}


stem.pl - Not a module, but a library file. stem.pl performs text stemming -- finding the "root word." For instance, the stem of "walked" is "walk", and the stem of "stemming" is "stem". stem.pl is in the Text:: module set. [Perl] {oss}


TeX::Hyphen - uses TeX's hyphenation table to hyphenate words. You don't need TeX to use the module. [Perl] {oss}


The Text-Tabs+Wrap Bundle contains Text::Tabs and Text::Wrap, both described below. [Perl] {oss}


Text::German - Stems German words. Also see stem.pl. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Tabs - In a document, you can replace multiple spaces with tabs, or tabs with multiple spaces, just like the Unix "expand" and "unexpand" utilities. Part of the Text-Tabs+Wrap bundle. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Template - This module defines a "template" as a chunk of text with cute little Perl expressions embedded in it. You can use this module to replace the expressions with their values. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Vpp - A "versatile preprocessor" for text; it lets you embed variables and conditionals in your file. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Wrap - Line wrapping and paragraph reformatting. Part of the Text-Tabs+Wrap bundle. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Trie - Given a list of strings, returns their common heads and tails. [Perl] {oss}


Cz - Tools for manipulating Czech text. [Perl] {oss}


No - Tools for manipulating Norwegian text. [Perl] {oss}


Unicode - Support for the Unicode standard character sets. A future release of Perl will probably support Unicode in the core in such a way that this module will be obsolete. [Perl] {oss}


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