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RocketAware Pilot Console

This is the console that gives you complete control over what you see first at RocketAware. This is an important part of the Rapid Knowledge Transfer design.

When seeking information, we start in the familiar places (personal experience, the office bookshelf) and then widen the search as needed. We select colleagues and friends who have particular interests and skills. Then our search progresses to libraries and other general information sources.

This console and RocketAware Orbits fit this time-saving behavior:
  • This console controls what you see first at RocketAware.
  • Use the piloted orbit closest to your changing needs.
  • Links on every category page expand or narrow the items seen.
  • Jump to external categories at Yahoo, dmoz, and other sites.

Tip: Don't change all of the defaults below. Just select the one or two items you want on the page above all others as "Show first." Eliminate one or two items you don't want to see with "Never Show", and finally mark one or two items as "Show"

Tip:Leave most of these as "Neutral", and the RocketAware software will probably do what you want.

Are you going to send a cookie?
No. We decided to not use cookies or free logins. In the future we may give users a choice, but for now, this will generate a long CGI URL which encodes your selections. Please bookmark the resulting page, and start there at RocketAware.

Unix (Browse tree now)
X (Browse tree now)
MS-DOS (Browse tree now)
Windows (Browse tree now)

License (for items which are software)
GPL or LGPL (Browse tree now)
BSD style (not copyleft, or "viral") (Browse tree now)
Public Domain (Browse tree now)
Open Source license (not specific) (Browse tree now)
Commercial and restricted licensed. (Browse tree now)

Publisher, Family, and Source
Standard BSD and Linux man pages (Browse tree now)
Items in the comp sources unix archives (Browse tree now)
FreeBSD ports (Browse tree now)
Items officially in the GNU project. (Not all GPL software is part of GNU!) (Browse tree now)
Questions and answers at Ask Slashdot (Browse tree now)
Questions and answers in the comp.lang.c FAQ (Browse tree now)
Questions and answers in the ms-dos programmer FAQ (Browse tree now)
Questions and answers in the Unix programmer FAQ (Browse tree now)
FAQ collections (Browse tree now)
Linux HowTOs (Browse tree now)
IETF RFCs (Browse tree now)
Items from Bob Stout's snippets collection (Browse tree now)
Books (Browse tree now)

User Language
RocketAware lists software of many different languages as variants. The selections here will control the showing of those items which have the user language tagged in the database. (Which is not all the items yet!) We beg your patience!
Japanese (ja) (Browse tree now)
Korean (ko) (Browse tree now)
Russian (ru) (Browse tree now)
Vietnamese (vi) (Browse tree now)
Chinese (zh) (Browse tree now)

Links to categories at other websites
Freshmeat categories (Browse tree now)
UNC metalab categories (Browse tree now)
Yahoo categories (Browse tree now)

"De-listed" and formerly listed
Items removed due to invalid hostname, web page missing, obsolete, etc. (Browse tree now)
Items which are not software related (industry opinions, comments, fluff, etc) (Browse tree now)

Rapid-Links: Search | About | Comments | Submit Path: pilot/
RocketAware.com is a service of Mib Software
Copyright 1999-2000, Forrest J. Cavalier III. All Rights Reserved.
We welcome submissions and comments