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Pilot profiles

There is so much listed in large indexes like RocketAware. We could talk about library science and service communities and "collection sprawl", but it just comes down to this: It helps to have a way to filter what you see on a person by person basis because one person's junk is another's treasure.

You can have fine control by being your own pilot, but one of the profiles below probably matches what you want to see closely enough to be your "home" orbit. But don't feel constrained. The links on every page open up the freedom to slide to the orbit most appropriate for each problem you want to solve, and the opportunity to visit a different orbit to get a different perspective. There is a lot of overlap (items listed in many orbits), and you can follow the link that expands to show the full listing for the RocketAware category.

Get to know the philosophies behind the RocketAware piloted orbits....


Q: So Tony, what is "Rocket Development?" A: I want to be able to jump into any application area and be able to start producing useful code in two hours tops. I like clean, elegant libraries and code that is easy to understand and extend. I don't like quiche-eating API's and C++ classes which take more time to learn than to rewrite. (I crank out 100 lines an hour when I'm hot.) It is OK if something isn't full featured, _if_ it is uncluttered and can be easily extended or adapted. I need source almost always.

Picks: Building Blocks, Extensible, Clean, Reusable


I run away from closed source, proprietary protocols, and private data formats. They can hurt the producers just as much as consumers, now that everything must interoperate and data exchange. Open source is the best way to stay clear of those dead-end streets and avoid risk.
Picks: Open Source, Industry Consensus, Unix, PERL


People depend on the services I control. I can't be playing "upgrade of the week" or "try this, try that" games. I want stuff that just works. Zero downtime, low load, 24x7 uptime, low maintenance.

Picks: Established, Integrated, Workhorse, Servers


I'm "just" a user, a software consumer. I use both commercial and open source software. Sure, I understand why open source is important to non-programmers too, and I'll try to do my part. But I have no intention of reading even one line of source. I want a hassle-free install, good docs, clean UI, and I can't stand time-wasting glitches/bugs/defects- got that?

Picks: for Home, Small Office, and Personal Use


Give me eye candy. Send me Wow! Beam me that tingle I got when Wolfenstein-3D first showed. Sure, not everything is games. If it's fresh and unique, I'm interested. If it helps me create the fresh and unique, that rules.

Picks: Fresh, Flashy, and Funky

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RocketAware.com is a service of Mib Software
Copyright 1999-2000, Forrest J. Cavalier III. All Rights Reserved.
We welcome submissions and comments