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Hard World File System
afterboot(8) - things to check after the first complete boot
reboot halt(8) - stopping and restarting the system
init(8) - process control initialization
installboot(8) - install a bootstrap on a FFS disk or partition
intro(8) - introduction to system maintenance and operation commands
biosboot(8) - first-stage system bootstrap
boot(8) - second-stage bootstrap
boot(8) - system bootstrapping procedures (Atari)
boot_config(8) - how to change kernel configuration at boot
boot(8) - system bootstrapping procedures (i386)
boot(8) - system bootstrapping procedures (x68k)
Unix Programming FAQ System Information []
Searching for Resources on Forensic Computing? [2002/02/28]
Disaster Recovery? [2002/02/04]
Linux Clustering w/Bootable CD-ROMS? [2002/01/28]
Hardware Configuration Tools for Linux? [2001/11/09]
A Tool to Change Distributions? [2001/10/02]
Administration on Systems w/ Lots of Users? [2001/09/06]
Tracking A Thief Via The Sircam Virus? [2001/07/25]
Are Toshiba Notebooks 'Phoning Home'? [2001/07/19]
Guidelines For Data Gathering And Forensics? [2001/07/07]
Where Can You Go After Systems Administration? [2001/05/17]
Calculating Number of Users Based on Amount of Unique IPs? [2001/05/05]
Tips on the Prevention of Social Engineering? [2001/05/03]
Can You Boot Windows (and Other OSes) Using CD-RWs? [2001/05/02]
Computer Auditing Tools? [2001/04/29]
Snapshots of System State in Linux? [2001/04/25]
Maintaining Computers Donated to Schools and Charities? [2001/04/12]
Web Site Monitoring Services? [2001/04/09]
Dealing With Bad Service From Dedicated Host Providers? [2001/04/05]
Maintaining SSH Host Keys Across a Large Network? [2001/04/05]
Multibooting on Macs? [2001/04/02]
How Well Does 'Smart BootManager' Work? [ 2000/09/20]
Linux Directory Replication? [ 2000/09/03]
What Are the Best New-To-UNIX Resources? [ 2000/08/25]
What Cluster Management Software is Out There? [ 2000/08/24]
Vendors With Good Post-Purchase Support? [ 2000/08/19]
Configuration Tools for BSD? [ 2000/08/18]
Web Administration Tools For Hosting Web Sites? [ 2000/08/15]
Remote, Automated Configuration of Unix Boxen? [ 2000/08/14]
Free Software Administration Tools For Schools? [ 2000/07/25]
Dual-Booting Linux & NT Without NT Boot Loader [ 2000/06/06]
The /etc/rc.* and the /etc/defaults/rc.conf configurationexplained. [ 2000/06/01]
Security-Why Not Watch The Crackers? [ 2000/04/07]
Creating Sane Password Policies? [ 2000/04/05]
How do I enforce automatic logout after specifiedamount of time? [ 2000/04/01]
What Are Common Password Checks? [ 2000/03/27]
My server PC runs great for a while but then mysteriously freezes solid! Argh! [ 2000/03/01]
What scripts are run when I type reboot, or shutdown -r now and similar commands? [ 2000/03/01]
Adding System Level Accounts from chroot-ed Apache? [ 2000/02/29]
Why, when I boot into Windows (or some other OS), is its clock off by some integer number of hours? [ 2000/02/01]
Simple Comprehensive Config Tools? [ 2000/01/22]
My home ISP gives me one address via DHCP. How can I get all my other home systems onto the net? [ 2000/01/01]
I can't run dhclient because it says there are no bpf devices. [ 2000/01/01]
How can you Reduce Disk Swapping in Linux? [ 1999/11/10]
Expanding Vulnerability of the Net [ 1999/11/08]
Z.E.N. Clone for Linux? [ 1999/11/04]
Linux Intrustion Detection? [ 1999/11/03]
How do you Configure a Secure DSL Network? [ 1999/11/03]
Distributed Password Files? [ 1999/09/11]
UNIX Machines that don't use /etc/passwd [ 1999/08/08]
How can I go from multi- to single-user mode? [ 1999/06/01]
How can I change my login banner? [ 1999/06/01]
Tip of the month: Back doors. [ 1999/06/01]
How can I reboot without su'ing to root? [ 1999/04/01]
How can I change my login banner? [ 1999/04/01]
How can you run UNIX for ~150,000 users? [ 1999/01/24]
System Crackers [ 1998/07/11]
bootparamd rpc.bootparamd(8) - boot parameter server {oss}
bootpd(8) - Internet Boot Protocol server/gateway {oss}
bootpef(8) - BOOTP Extension File compiler {oss}
bootptest(8) - send BOOTP queries and print responses {oss}
rbootd(8) - HP remote boot server {oss}
rc(8) - command script for auto-reboot and daemons {oss}
rc.conf(8) - system daemon configuration database {oss}
savecore(8) - save a core dump of the operating system {oss}
shutdown(8) - close down the system at a given time {oss}
ISP-ADMIN - ISP-ADMIN é uma interface de administração para provedores e Servidores de conteudo. Visa principalmente Automatizar tarefas repetitivas, Com ele é possivel evitar o acesso ao shell para usuários menos experientes ( e para os mais experientes tb ;) ). {(L)GPL}
Tape Library Control Program - Tape changer and tape library control program. Now includes features for controlling mid to large sized tape libraries. {(L)GPL}
Amanda Tape Backup - AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator of a LAN to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts to a single large capacity tape drive. AMANDA users native dump a {BSD-like}
File Check Daemon - The file check daemon monitors files according to rules defined in configuration files. When a file is considered stable (due to its age, presence of a flag file, etc.) then it gets copied to a new location. Rotating backups of the destination file {BSD-like}
Back Orifice 2000 - BO2K is a remote administration tool. It comes with a client and a server. The server is lightweight and inobtrusive. A dynamic plugin architechture allows for easy system extension. It wants to be ported to other operating systems. (coming soon) {(L)GPL}
GNU GRUB - is the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader. {GPL,GNU}
kdeadmin-3.0_1 - KDE applications related to system administration
diskusage-1.01 - Shows current user diskusage in kilobytes
mksunbootcd-1.0 - Makes ISO images suitible to boot on sparc systems
dhcpdump-1.4 - Decode and diagnose sniffed DHCP packets
dhcping-1.2 - Send DHCP request to DHCP server for monitoring purposes
zombiezapper-1.0 - Send a terminate command to Trinoo/TFN/Stacheldracht DDoS agents
chkrootkit-0.35 - A tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
dhcpconf-0.7.0 - Neat console-based ISC DHCP server configuration-generating utility
xw-0.1.0 - X app to list current users logged into the system
uwatch-1.2 - Monitor user logins and logouts
rboot-3.0.1 - A remote-boot solution for M$ operating systems
checkservice-1.1.0 - Checkservice is written to check the status of the services
extipl-5.01 - Partition-selectable boot loader for IBM-PC/AT compatibles
ddc-1.0 - Control your DHCP daemon a la apachectl
manck-1.2 - Manual page consistency checker
userlist-0.1 - Prints a list of all usernames in /etc/passwd
personality-1.0 - System configuration management utility to alter system personality
bulb-1.0.6 - GNOME applet to warn about task terminations
pinstall-1.0 - A tool for installing files according to a packing list
blimitd-0.1 - Daemon to enforce login.conf limits
drweb-4.27 - DrWeb antivirus suite
enteruser-1.0 - Extensible script for adding new users
kdeadmin-2.2.2 - KDE applications related to system administration
mkfile-1.0 - Create files suitable for use as swap files
pxe-1.2 - PXE daemon, set up a boot menu for netbooting PXE enabled clients
deco-3.8.3 - Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
mc-4.5.54_3 - Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone
isc-dhcp3-3.0.1.r8 - ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client and server code
wide-dhcp- - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, WIDE-Implimentation
pwget - Programs to retrieve /etc/passwd info {oss}
mcp - Account creation/manipulation program {oss}
utmp - utility to repair broken /etc/utmp files {oss}
rc.user - Allow users to automatically run scripts at boot time {oss}
cops - System ecurity analysis tool {oss}
printacct - Print BSD accounting file {oss}
chuni - Change a user's default universe (Pyramid Specific) {oss}
chsh2 - Chsh,chfn - Original contained security bugs. {oss}
bootp-2.2.B - RFC 1048 "bootp" server (w/ vendor extensions), {oss}
saenv-5.01 - SysAd Environment (OS_Research/Backup) Suite, {oss}
cops.pch - System security analysis tool {oss}
freeks-1.33 - extended login accounting, V1.33, {oss}
saenv_alldisks - sysadmin env, disk management and backups, {oss}
policy - Scripts for setting site policies {oss}
obvious-pw - Tell if a password is "obvious" {oss}
idled-1.00 - idle (et al) session detector/sanctioner, V1.00, {oss}
untamo2 - Log out idle users {oss}
pwdiff - Tool to aide in merging password files {oss}
npasswd - replacement for passwd(1) {oss}
ckpasswd - a password checker, {oss}
bootptest-1.1 - utility for testing a bootp server, {oss}
idledaemon - Yet another idle login checker (BSD 4.2 only) {oss}
bootp - RFC 1048 "bootp" server (w/ vendor extensions) {oss}
FileWatch - FileWatch is a program which looks after your files. You can define files it looks after and informs you every time a file is changed (in any way). It's based on file's CTIME value (returned by stat() system call), which changes every time the file's p {(L)GPL}
OpenNDMP - OpenNDMP is a NDMP v2.11 implementation for Linux with necessary changes to tar/backup/restore to support the service. The rpm and source will be posted shortly. {(L)GPL}
clock - Sets system time from CMOS clock and vice versa. {GPL}
ACUA {Artistic}
PIKT - An innovative new systems administration paradigm {GPL}
COAS - Linux administration system {GPL}
Yard - A suite of Perl scripts for creating rescue disks for Linux {GPL}
SFI Director - A tool for managing distributed, hetergeneous UNIX Systems {GPL}
Linuxconf - Sophisticated administrative tool {GPL}
barrendero - Program for keeping free space in the mail spool dir {OpenSource}
check-ps - Reports or kills processes 'hidden' from the system administrator {GPL}
kfstab - Easy editing of /etc/fstab via KDE {x,GPL}
Webmin - Web-based interface for system administration for Unix {Artistic}
netboot - Boot a diskless client with Linux or DOS {GPL}
GRUB - GRand Unified Bootloader {GPL}
HickUP - System User Profiler {GPL}
AGX-UserProfile - A 'controlpanel' to configure and administer a Linux box. {GPL}
bounix-1.21.tgz - Back Orifice Unix client by the cDc
bounix-1.21.tgz - Back Orifice Unix client by the cDc
rc.virt - perl script to automate adding ips for ip aliasing
Shadow - Shadow password file utilities {free to use but restricted}
System Recovery {GPL}
npasswd - Replacement for the passwd command {freely distributable}
Toshiba Linux Utilities - Linux replacements for Toshiba laptop utilities {free to use but restricted}
Lilo - Linux boot loader {BSL}
XFCE - Easy-to-use and easy-to-configure environment for X11 {x,freely distributable}
tkauth - Graphical authorization manager (Tk interface to xauth) {x,freely distributable}
gpnpconf - Perl/Gtk applet for Plug 'n' Play device configuration [X] {GPL}
System Manager in a Box (SMiaB) - System Manager in a Box (SMiaB) {Freeware}
ocsadmin - ocsadmin is a web admin tool to maintain user accounts {GPL}
reboot (2) - reboot system or halt processor {oss}
clock_gettime clock_settime clock_getres (2) - get/set/calibrate date and time {oss}
Reboot.Asm - Reliable cold/warm boot for DOS, Windows 3.1 {oss}
Os2_Boot.C - Reboot for OS/2 {oss}
Code to reboot a PC under verious operating systems {oss,msdos}
Reboot.Asm - Reliable cold/warm boot for DOS, Windows 3.1 {oss,msdos}
Os2_Boot.C - Reboot for OS/2 {oss,msdos}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Identity Authentication - verifying the identity of the originator of a connection (passwords, radius, identd, crypto methods, et al.)
Process Limits - Permission and access restriction (files, resources, etc)
File System Information - Obtaining information of the filesystem as a whole. Status of disk subsystems, capacity, etc.
File System Operations - Operations for entire file-systems (quotas, configuration, consistency, mount, unmount, et al)
Specific Types of File Systems - Specific forms of file systems. DFS, NFS, MS-DOS, etc.
File Access Limits - Limiting access to files (permissions, locking, et al)
Installed Software Administration - installation utilities, consistency and security checks, virus scanners
Communication and Network Monitoring - status reporting, logging, et al
Communication Filtering and Firewalls - Preventing certain types of communication. Communication security, encryption, et al. -
Data integrity and Security, Checksums and Digests - cryptography, message digests, etc.
See also: File Transfer and Distribution - Protocols and Methods of transfering files and directories, distributing and installing software. (file collections and archives, FTP, cvsup, NFS, et al.)
See also: Local machine and Operating System Information - (kernel topics, uname, boot, shutdown, et al)
See also: File and Version Management - (RCS, CVS, distribution, etc)
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : System : Boot : Init
freshmeat.net : Topic : System : Systems Administration
freshmeat.net : Topic : System : Boot
Security - - System security software.
Sysutils - - Various system utilities.
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Communications and Networking:Protocols:DHCP
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/ - Programs used by Superuser for administration
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/accounts/ - utils for manipulating user accounts
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/diskusage/ - tools for monitoring disk usage and enforcing quotas
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/frontends/ - visual and GUI front ends for system administration
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/idle/ - programs to display/kill idle or greedy users
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/isp/ - specialized administration tools for ISPs
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/admin/login/ - tools for handling user logins
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/ - programs to enable one to boot a Linux partition
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/dualboot/ - boot Linux from other OSs
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/dualboot/bootmenu/ - DOS executable boot menu useful for dual-boot systems
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/ethernet/ - tools for booting Linux over Ethernet
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/lilo/ - autoboots from a hard drive w/ menu choice of os
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/loaders/ - non-lilo interactive boot loaders
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/daemons/init/ - various init programs - the first program run
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/daemons/watchdog/ - daemons to reboot or shut down on given conditions
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/network/boot.net/ - Stuff to boot a linux box over a network
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/security/ - tools for improving system security
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/xsystem/ - system administration tools
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/utils/package/ - utilities for creating, manipulating, and installing software packages
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/admin/ - programs for system administration
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/boot/dualboot/bootmenu/ - DOS executable boot menu useful for dual-boot systems
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