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Linux/m68k (a free Unix-like OS for Amiga, Atari and VMEbus) MiniFAQ
de-manpages-1.0 - German GNU and Linux manual pages.
Linux: At a Turning Point? ( Neal Leavitt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-06)
Penguins Everywhere: GNU/Linux in Antarctica ( Sridhar Anandakrishnan ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-11)
Linux in the Workplace ( Jacob Hallén, Anders Hammarqvist, Fredrik Juhlin, Anders Chrigström ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Guest Editors' Introduction: Linux on the Move ( Terry Bollinger, Peter Beckman ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Linux in Practice: An Overview of Applications ( Terry Bollinger ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Counterpoint: Why Linux Is Important to You ( Bob Young ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Loadable Kernel Modules ( Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche, Elena Apolinario Fernández de Sousa ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Linux and the Developing World ( Shahid H. Bokhari, Rafeeq ur Rehman ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
Linux and Open-Source Success ( Terry Bollinger ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
The Business Case for Linux ( Evan Leibovitch ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-01)
The Linux Operating System ( Shahid H. Bokhari ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-08)
Building a Smart Card Based Linux System? [2002/04/24]
Hardware Manufacturers that Actively Support Linux? [2002/04/23]
Linux Network Install Options? [2002/04/02]
Linux Tuning Tricks? [2002/03/14]
Role Specific Distributions? [2002/01/14]
Correcting Common Linux Misconceptions? [2001/12/19]
Embedded Linux as Attached USB Storage Device? [2001/12/03]
64GB RAM Under 64-bit Linux? [2001/11/06]
Third Party Software Support for Linux on SGIs? [2001/09/26]
How Secure is SELinux? [2001/09/08]
What's A Good Starter Linux distro? [2001/08/13]
Do We Spend More On Linux Or Windows? [2001/08/02]
A Linux Distro For HP's Jornada 720? [2001/07/16]
Where Can One Find Promotional Videos for Linux? [2001/06/15]
Porting Linux to 3Com's Audrey? [2001/06/10]
Micro End Linux Systems? [2001/05/12]
Red Hat Network - Does It Need More Improvement? [2001/05/10]
Is Linux Losing Its SPARC? [2001/05/07]
Compatibility Issues Across Linux Distributions? [2001/05/03]
Microsoft Suggests You Upgrade To Linux? [2001/04/02]
Linux on an Intel PIII vs. G4? [2001/03/24]
Introducing Linux To Small CS Departments? [ 2000/11/06]
What Happened to ABIT's Gentus Linux? [ 2000/10/19]
Time To Re-Evaluate Microsoft's Linux Myths Page? [ 2000/10/07]
libc5 Compatibility in Red Hat 7? [ 2000/10/01]
Corporate Linux and the Community? [ 2000/09/15]
How Do Linux and Windows 2000 Compare? [ 2000/09/04]
Can Linux Pass the SAS70 Certification Tests? [ 2000/09/03]
Linux and DII/COE Compliance? [ 2000/09/01]
Linux Demos? [ 2000/08/31]
How Common Are Homegrown Linux Distributions? [ 2000/08/12]
Looking For Better Linux Customer Support? [ 2000/08/09]
FAQ On Convincing Big Companies To Try Linux? [ 2000/08/07]
Could Linux Become A Microkernel? [ 2000/08/06]
Linux And HP-UX? [ 2000/08/05]
Vendors Paying Lip Service To Linux Support? [ 2000/07/07]
Getting Deep Inside the Linux Code [ 2000/04/08]
Kernel Configuration via XML? [ 2000/04/02]
Why Hasn't Apple Released Quicktime For UNIX? [ 2000/03/31]
Boiling Down Slackware Linux to the Essentials? [ 2000/03/28]
Linux On A RISC Box? [ 2000/03/20]
Hardware ATA/66 Controllers and Installing Linux [ 2000/03/09]
The Perfect Distribution? [ 2000/03/02]
US Army Needs Linux Workstation Advice [ 1999/12/28]
Testing Linux and Open Source for Y2K [ 1999/12/17]
Linux Kernel using 64GB physical memory? [ 1999/11/22]
Athlon Bugs in Linux 2.2? [ 1999/11/09]
Basic Linux Systems for the Home User? [ 1999/10/19]
2.2.1x Kernel Building Problems [ 1999/10/14]
Customized Linux Installations [ 1999/09/09]
Linux on a SPARCserver 470? [ 1999/09/05]
Automagical Kernel Update Utils? [ 1999/09/05]
Windows Host, Linux Client? [ 1999/09/04]
Moving a Linux Install to a Different Drive [ 1999/08/08]
Building a PowerPC Linux Box? [ 1999/07/30]
SunOS to Linux Migration? [ 1999/07/20]
Linux and Swap Optimization? [ 1999/07/08]
Hardware for Headless Linux Boxes [ 1999/06/17]
Migrating from BSD 3.1 to Linux? [ 1999/06/01]
NT to Linux Migration Costs? [ 1999/05/21]
How Exportable is Linux? [ 1999/05/12]
Can't install Linux on an Extended Partition >8gb? [ 1999/04/29]
Using Older Kernel Modules in Linux [ 1999/04/20]
LibC5, LibC6 and Peaceful Co-Existance [ 1999/04/19]
Booting Linux from LS 120 Drives? [ 1999/04/08]
Creating a "Personal" Linux Distribution? [ 1999/03/07]
Can Linux Work Without Shutdown? [ 1999/02/27]
Opinions on Linux OEMs? [ 1999/02/09]
Upgrading Red Hat 5.2 to Linux 2.2.0 [ 1999/02/09]
How do you build Red Hat Image Disks? [ 1998/12/16]
Will the C6 Winchip work for Linux and/or BeOS? [ 1998/10/02]
Outlook-like apps for Linux? [ 1998/10/02]
Is Linux Y2K Compliant? [ 1998/09/21]
Installing Debian2 on a Dell 433/M [ 1998/09/12]
Boot Parameters [ 1998/06/18]
Installing OpenLinux [ 1998/06/05]
Booting Solaris From Linux [ 1998/05/18]
Linux System Survey - Survey generates a tremendous amount of information about a Linux system. It includes the system configuration files, hardware info, security info, and info from log files. The resulting 15-50 page report can be printed to describe the system. {(L)GPL}
JAT's startup files - My personal setup files, primarily "dotfiles" like .cshrc, etc. Everything except [X]Emacs setup files, which can be found in a separate project (jt-xemacs-setup). {oss}
Linux/PA-RISC (Philipp Rumpf's version) - Port of Linux to the PA-RISC architecture used primarily in HP workstations and servers {(L)GPL}
LinuxCommand - Ok, so you installed Linux for the first time and you are done playing with desktop themes. You keep seeing this xterm thing. Don't worry, we'll show you what to do. {(L)GPL}
LOAF - A tiny one floppy linux distribution. {GPL}
Welcome2L - Linux ANSI boot logo {GPL}
Linux/Coldfire - Port of Linux to the Motorola Coldfire processors {GPL}
Mandrake Linux Prosuite Edition 8.2
Mandrake Linux Powerpack Edition 8.2
System Admin & Development for Linux CD
Tools & Utilities for Linux CD
Science & Technology for Linux CD
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7
Mandrake Linux Standard Edition 8.2
SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional Edition
Borland Kylix 2 Enterprise Upgrade from Kylix Server Developer
Red Hat High Availability Server
Borland Kylix 2 Pro Upgrade from Kylix Desktop Developer
Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional
Caldera Open Linux eServer 2.3
linux_lib-2.6.1.tgz - necessary libraries for linux compatibility
linux_lib-2.6.1.tgz - necessary libraries for Linux compatibility
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Up to System Administration - Configuration, installing software, adding users, setting limits, system startup (boot) et al.
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
External Categories |
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/install/ - tools necessary to get one started in running Linux
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/install/rawwrite/ - new version of rawwrite
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/recovery/ - rescue disk images and tools for creating rescue disks
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/recovery/images/ - various rescue images
Computers : Operating Systems : Linux :
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/kernel/ - kernel sources and patches
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/kernel/config/ - various configuration and patching utilities
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/kernel/images/ - Floppy disk images for booting and installing linux
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/kernel/patches/console/ - changes for console support
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/linux-95/ - possible Linux 95 logos
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/markup/ - Metafont/TeX/PostScript logos for printed documents
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/misc/ - miscellaneous logos, medium-sized
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/penguins/ - various renderings and mutations of the 'official' Linux 2.0 penguin The 'official' Linux 2.0 penguin lives at http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux .
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/pictures/ - digitized photographs of Linus Torvalds
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/platypus/ - series of logos featuring a duck-billed platypus
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/raytraced/ - high quality, slow-loading raytraced logos
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/logos/weblogos/ - small, fast-loading Web stickers Web stickers featuring the Linux penguin are at http:../penguins
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