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Visualizing and Analyzing Software Infrastructures ( Adam Buchsbaum, Yih-Farn Chen, Huale Huang, Eleftherios Koutsofios, John Mocenigo, Anne Rogers, Michael Jankowsky, Spiros Mancoridis ; IEEE Software Magazine 2001-09)

- Operations in today's large corporations are usually supported by complex software infrastructures that involve hundreds or thousands of software systems. Companies frequently need to redesign their software infrastructures in response to marketplace changes in the. This article describes the Enterprise Navigator, a system that lets architects visualize system interconnections of selected products and services by making database queries on the Web. Moreover, analysis tools are provided for the architects to examine dominating information flows, perform clustering analysis to find substructures, and study the structural evolution of particular business processes or functions. The system has been used extensively on AT&T's System Profile Database. The article also includes a case study to show how an architect can use Enterprise Navigator to perform various visualization and analysis tasks.

How to Staff Business-Critical Maintenance Projects ( Ramkumar Ramaswamy ; IEEE Software Magazine 2000-05)

- The team size of a maintenance project depends on the rate at which maintenance requests arrive and the importance of servicing each request quickly. The second factor, quantifying the team's "level of preparedness," forms the basis for a five-step method for staffing maintenance projects. The author illustrates the method using data from a real project.

Legacy Information Systems: Issues and Directions ( Jesús Bisbal, Deirdre Lawless, Bing Wu, Jane Grimson ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-09)

- A legacy information system (LIS) represents a massive, long-term business investment. Unfortunately, such systems are often brittle, slow, and nonextensible. Capturing legacy system data in a way that can support organizations into the future is an important but relatively new research area. The authors offer an overview of existing research and present two promising methodologies for LIS migration.

Point: Software Lives Too Long ( John C. Munson ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-07)

Restoring a Legacy: Lessons Learned ( Spencer Rugaber, Jim White ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-07)

- Legacy software systems represent a significant investment of time and resources, and provide important services. The restoration of this legacy telephony system generated some lessons of widespread interest to all developers.

How To Evaluate Legacy System Maintenance ( Norman F. Schneidewind ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-07)

- Drawing on extensive data from the NASA Space Shuttle's flight software, the author proposes a method for evaluating the effectiveness of legacy software maintenance efforts.

Guest Editors' Introduction: Preserve or Redesign Legacy Systems? ( Norman F. Schneidewind, Christof Ebert ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-07)

- The question of whether to maintain, redesign, or retire a legacy system does not have an easy answer. This focus section examines legacy systems from several perspectives, and two case studies illustrate some of the challenges in dealing with aging but necessary software systems.

Reengineering with Reflexion Models: A Case Study ( Gail C. Murphy, David Notkin ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1997-08)

- Reengineering large and complex software systems is often very costly. Reflexion models let software engineers begin with a structural high-level model that they can selectively refine to rapidly gain task-specific knowledge about the source code. The authors describe how a Microsoft engineer used this technique in an experimental reengineering of Excel.

Cash Cow in the Tar Pit: Reengineering a Legacy System ( W. Stephen Adolph ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-05)

- Many old systems are still with us and burden us with baggage. But replacing them, particularly when they are legacy systems, is not as straightforward as it seems. The author imparts lessons learned on a legacy-replacement project.

Meeting the Challenge of Software Maintenance ( David Sharon ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-01)

- Taking the guesswork out of tool selection.

Program Comprehension During Software Maintenance and Evolution ( Anneliese von Mayrhauser, A. Marie Vans ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-08)

- Code cognition models examine how programmers understand program code. The authors survey the current knowledge in this area by comparing six program comprehension models.

Ground rules for software maintenance ( Irah H. Donner ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-010)

Legacy Systems: Coping with Success ( Keith Bennett ; IEEE Software Magazine 1995-01)

- Legacy software was written years ago using outdated techniques, yet it continues to do useful work. Migrating and updating this baggage from our past has technical and nontechnical challenges, ranging from justifying the expense to dealing with offshore contractors to using program-understanding and visualization techniques.

Modeling the relationship between source code complexity and maintenance difficulty ( David L. Lanning, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-09)

- Canonical correlation analysis can be a useful exploratory tool for software engineers who want to understand relationships that are not directly observable and who are interested in understanding influences affecting past development efforts. These influences could also affect current development efforts. In this paper, we restrict our findings to one particular development effort. We do not imply that either the weights or the loadings of the relations generalize to all software development efforts. Such generalization is untenable, since the model omitted many important influences on maintenance difficulty. Much work remains to specify subsets of indicators and development efforts for which the technique becomes useful as a predictive tool. Canonical correlation analysis is explained as a restricted form of soft modeling. We chose this approach not only because the terminology and graphical devices of soft modeling allow straightforward high-level explanations, but also because we are interested in the general method. The general method allows models involving many latent variables having interdependencies. It is intended for modeling complex interdisciplinary systems having many variables and little established theory. Further, it incorporates parameter estimation techniques relying on no distributional assumptions. Future research will focus on developing general soft models of the software development process for both exploratory analysis and prediction of future performance.

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