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String-Non-Integer-String conversions

conversion to and from floating point, time, dates, et al.
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Questions and Answers: Showing

When I set a float variable to 3.1, why is printf printing it as 3.0999999? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can I print a '%' character with printf? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can printf use %f for type double, if scanf requires %lf? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Why doesn't the code "double d; scanf("%f", &d);" work? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can %f be used for both float and double arguments in printf? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Applications and Utilities: Showing

cwtext-0.90 - Morse Code Generator

At FreeBSD Ports

Libraries and Components: Showing

atof (3) - convert ASCII string to double {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strtod (3) - convert ASCII string to double {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

scanf fscanf sscanf vscanf vsscanf vfscanf (3) - input format conversion {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

printf fprintf sprintf snprintf asprintf asnprintf vprintf vfprintf vsprintf vsnprintf vasprintf vansprintf (3) - formatted output conversion {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strftime (3) - format date and time {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strptime (3) - converts a character string to a time value {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

strmode (3) - convert inode status information into a symbolic string {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

p5-FreezeThaw-0.41 - A module for converting Perl structures to strings and back

At FreeBSD Ports
p5-FreezeThaw-0.3.tgz - module for converting structures to strings and back (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
p5-FreezeThaw-0.3.tgz - module for converting structures to strings and back (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
FreezeThaw - Converts Perl data structures to strings and back. (At CPAN)

p5-Convert-Morse-0.03 - Perl module to convert between ASCII and Morse codes

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-String-Scanf-1.4 - Emulates the sscanf() of the C stdio library

At FreeBSD Ports

Commaflt.C - Format doubles using commas and variable precision {oss}

At snippets.org

Eng.C - Convert floating point value to engineering notation {oss}

At snippets.org

Fmtmoney.C - Format US dollar amounts into text strings {oss}

At snippets.org

Scanfrac.C - Scans/converts text fractions {oss}

At snippets.org

Str27Seg.C - Convert numeric string to 7-segment displays {oss}

At snippets.org

Bitstrng.C - Print binary formatted strings {oss}

At snippets.org

Bstr_I.C - Convert binary string to int {oss}

At snippets.org

Morse.C - Convert strings to morse code {oss}

At snippets.org

String::Scanf - Emulate C's sscanf() function, which extracts and assigns values from a string. [Perl] {oss}


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