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Home By TONY By MARK By JERRY By ANN By ERICA Subjects By activity User Interface Text Strings Math Processing
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RFC0747 Recent extensions to the SUPDUP Protocol. [ 1978/03/21]
RFC0746 SUPDUP graphics extension. [ 1978/03/17]
RFC0734 SUPDUP Protocol. [ 1977/10/07]
Vt100.Txt - Chart of VT-100 escape codes
Ansisys.Txt - Chart of ANSI screen control codes
Neural and Fuzzy Methods in Handwriting Recognition ( Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller, Raghu Krishnapuram, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Magdi A. Mohamed ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1997-02)
Dynamically Generated Follow-up Questions ( Johanna D. Moore, Vibhu O. Mittal ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1996-07)
Flexible Text Display with Lector ( Darrell R. Raymond ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1992-08)
DRS: A Workstation-Based Document Recognition System for Text Entry ( Tomio Amano, Akio Yamashita, Nobuyasu Itoh, Yoshinao Kobayashi, Shin Katoh, Kazuharu Toyokawa, Hiroyasu Takahashi ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1992-07)
Alternative Text Input Methods? [2001/06/15]
Developing Attractive non-GUI Apps for Unix? [2001/05/09]
Return of the Old-School Text App? [ 1999/11/08]
p5-Locale-PGetText-0.16 - Pure perl implementation of GNU gettext
p5-Term-ANSIColor-1.03 - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
ruby-intl-0.11 - A simple wrapper of GNU gettext for Ruby
nsf-1.0 - NAKAMURA's Shell Form input
p5-Term-Screen-1.00 - Basic screen + input class
iiimecf-emacs20-0.3 - Internet/Intranet Input Method Emacs Client Framework for GNU Emacs 20
p5-Tk-HistEntry-0.37 - Tk::HistEntry - Entry widget with history capability
rlwrap-0.10 - Readline wrapper
p5-Term-Prompt-0.10 - Perl extension for prompting a user for information
iselect-1.2.0 - Interactive Selection Tool
ile-2.0_1 - An Input Line Editor that wraps itself around programs
screen - BSD multi-screen manager {oss}
tput2 - Public-domain TPUT (corrected implementation) {oss}
ile - an input line editor {oss}
reactivekbd - Command-line editor with predictions {oss}
spin - Simple programmable interface kit {oss}
duhdraw {unknown}
pdmenu {unknown}
tclreadline-2.1.0 - GNU readline for TCL
getline-3.9 - A small, portable, and easy to use command line library
tvision-0.8 - The Turbo Vision C++ CUI library for UNIX
p5-String-Checker-0.03 - Perl module implementing an extensible string validation interface
ruby-rreadline-0.5.4 - A pure Ruby implementation of the Readline library
ruby-gettext-0.2.1 - A Ruby implementation of the gettext library
libedit-2.6.4 - Command line editing library
aalib-1.4.r5 - An ascii art library
p5-ReadLine-Gnu-1.10 - Perl 5 module that allows Term::ReadLine to use GNU readline
p5-ReadLine-Perl-0.9908 - Perl 5 module for Term::ReadLine editing without GNU readline
p5-Term-Query-2.0 - An interactive question-response user interface module
p5-Array-PrintCols-2.1 - Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
Editgets.H.Editgets.C - Get an input string with editing functions {oss,msdos}
Getyn.C - Get a yes/no response with prompt, default, and timeout {oss,msdos}
Ansicode.H - Macros for ANSI.SYS screen control {oss}
Ansitest.C, Dosgetch.H, Dosgetch.Asm - Test demo for ANSICODE.H, including remote detection {oss}
Iscons.C - Does a FILE * refer to the console? {oss,msdos}
Steve Poole's non-block console I/O functions to port PC code to Unix {oss}
Unxconio.H - Unix CONIO.H {oss}
Term_Opt.C - Supporting function for CONIO.H functions {oss}
Unxgetch.C - A getch() for Unix! {oss}
Scrnmacs.H - Macros for portable video work {oss}
Dvidport.H - Macros for portable direct screen text output {oss}
Vidport.C - Portable gotoxy(), clrscr(), etc. equivalents, {oss}
Dvidport.C - Code to support DVIDPORT.H {oss}
Scrnsave.C - Save and restore text screens (buffer) {oss}
Fscrnsav.C - Save and restore text screens (file) {oss}
Scroll.C - Scroll screen function {oss}
Atr2Ansi.C - Given video attributes, build an ANSI.SYS command string {oss}
Dvideo.H,Dvideo.C - C video information functions {oss}
Ansiload.H,Ansiload.C - Detect ANSI.SYS {oss}
Cursor.H,Cursor.C - Cursor management/manipulation {oss}
Doansi.H, Doansi_1.C Doansi_2.C - Mark Kimes ANSI screen code interpreter {oss}
Scrintrp.Cpp, Video.Cpp,Ansisys.Cpp, Avatar.Cpp, Showansi.Cpp - David Nugent's C++ ANSI/Avatar screen code interpreter {oss}
Getyn.C - Get a yes/no response with prompt, default, and timeout {oss}
Keylocks.C - Caps/Num lock set/clear functions {oss}
Timegetc.C - Wait specified time for a keypress {oss}
Editgets.H.Editgets.C - Get an input string with editing functions {oss}
Getstrng.C - Safe gets() for input string of unknown length {oss}
Bordcolr.C - Set border color {oss}
Cursize.C - Set the cursor size {oss}
Grafline.C - Demo of PC line drawing characters {oss}
Query.C - Timed query w/default for batch files {oss}
Spin.C - Demo of how to make various text "spinners" {oss}
Wputch.C - Demonstrates how to restrict output to a text window {oss}
Pclrscrn.How - How to clear a PC screen {oss}
The Text-Tabs+Wrap Bundle - contains Text::Tabs and Text::Wrap, both described below. [Perl] {oss}
Text::Refer - Reads, parses, and writes bibliographic entries in the refer format. [Perl] {oss}
Sys::OutPut - Defines subroutines "out", "put", "err", "talk", and "debug", all of which behave like printf but keep you from having to type that horrible filehandle (STDOUT or STDERR). [Perl] {oss}
Term::ReadLine - A Perl interface to various "readline" packages, which make command-line editing possible (e.g. Ctrl-A to go to the start of the line, Esc-F to go forward a word). Requires Term::ReadKey. [Perl] {oss}
Term::AnsiColor - Provides the escape codes for ANSI text attributes. [Perl] {oss}
Term::ReadKey - A Perl module for simple terminal control. Non-blocking reads, echo toggling, determining the terminal size, and so on. This module is bundled with some versions of Perl, but not all. [Perl] {oss}
Term::Info - A simple interface to your system's "tput" utility. If you don't have tput, don't bother with this. If you do, it's an easy way to make your Perl programs print in bold, or in reverse video, or highlighted. [Perl] {oss}
Term::Screen - A Term::Cap based screen positioning module. Like Curses, but much simpler and less featureful. [Perl] {oss}
Newt - Library for creating text mode user interfaces using Red Hat's newt library {Artistic}
Term::Size - Determines the size of the window in which your Perl script is running. [Perl] {oss}
Term::ReadLine::Gnu - A Perl interface to the GNU readline library, which supports line editing, history management, and word completion. [Perl] {oss}
readline - A set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command line
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
See also Graphical User Interfaces - including window managers, screen savers, et al.
See also Terminal I/O - TTY (character based display and keyboard) and related routines.
See also Text Strings - Gateway topic to character and string processing routines. NUL Terminated String processing String conversions,et al. ascii to long, long to
Up to User Interface - Gateway topic to presentation (like printing and graphics) and user interface routines. Textual User Interfaces Curses et al.
External Categories |
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/graphics/hacks/curses/ - character cell eye candy
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