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RFC2066 TELNET CHARSET Option. [c. 1997/01/01]
RFC1572 Telnet Environment Option. [c. 1994/01/01]
RFC2217 Telnet Com Port Control Option. [c. 1997/10/01]
RFC1571 Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues. [c. 1994/01/01]
RFC1412 Telnet Authentication: SPX. [c. 1993/01/01]
RFC1411 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4. [c. 1993/01/01]
RFC1416 Telnet Authentication Option. [c. 1993/02/01]
RFC1408 Telnet Environment Option. [c. 1993/01/01]
RFC1372 Telnet Remote Flow Control Option. [c. 1992/10/01]
RFC1205 5250 Telnet interface. [ 1991/02/01]
RFC1184 Telnet Linemode Option. [ 1990/10/01]
RFC1143 The Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation. [ 1990/02/01]
RFC1097 Telnet subliminal-message option. [ 1989/04/01]
RFC1096 Telnet X display location option. [ 1989/03/01]
RFC1091 Telnet terminal-type option. [ 1989/02/01]
RFC1079 Telnet terminal speed option. [ 1988/12/01]
RFC1073 Telnet window size option. [ 1988/10/01]
RFC1053 Telnet X.3 PAD option. [ 1988/04/01]
RFC1043 Telnet Data Entry Terminal option: DODIIS implementation. [ 1988/02/01]
RFC1041 Telnet 3270 regime option. [ 1988/01/01]
RFC0946 Telnet terminal location number option. [ 1985/05/01]
RFC0933 Output marking Telnet option. [ 1985/01/01]
RFC0927 TACACS user identification Telnet option. [ 1984/12/01]
RFC0885 Telnet end of record option. [ 1983/12/01]
RFC0857 Telnet Echo Option. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0861 Telnet Extended Options: List Option. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0858 Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0855 Telnet Option Specifications. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0854 Telnet Protocol Specification. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0860 Telnet Timing Mark Option. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0856 Telnet Binary Transmission. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0859 Telnet Status Option. [ 1983/05/01]
RFC0818 Remote User Telnet service. [ 1982/11/01]
RFC0779 Telnet send-location option. [ 1981/04/01]
RFC0782 Virtual Terminal management model. [ 1981/01/01]
RFC0749 Telnet SUPDUP-Output option. [ 1978/09/18]
RFC0748 Telnet randomly-lose option. [ 1978/04/01]
RFC0740 NETRJS Protocol. [ 1977/11/22]
RFC0735 Revised Telnet byte macro option. [ 1977/11/03]
RFC0736 Telnet SUPDUP option. [ 1977/10/31]
RFC0732 Telnet Data Entry Terminal option. [ 1977/09/12]
RFC0727 Telnet logout option. [ 1977/04/27]
RFC0728 Minor pitfall in the Telnet Protocol. [ 1977/04/27]
RFC0726 Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option. [ 1977/03/08]
RFC0725 RJE protocol for a resource sharing network. [ 1977/03/01]
RFC0652 Telnet output carriage-return disposition option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0658 Telnet output linefeed disposition. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0653 Telnet output horizontal tabstops option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0654 Telnet output horizontal tab disposition option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0655 Telnet output formfeed disposition option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0656 Telnet output vertical tabstops option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0657 Telnet output vertical tab disposition option. [ 1974/10/25]
RFC0393 Comments on Telnet Protocol Changes. [ 1972/10/03]
RFC0340 Proposed Telnet Changes. [ 1972/05/15]
RFC0339 MLTNET: A "Multi Telnet" Subsystem for Tenex. [ 1972/05/05]
RFC0328 Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes. [ 1972/04/29]
alt.sys.amiga.uucp Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ 1/2) - AmigaUUCP general information
SSH and OpenSSH Comparisons? [2001/11/14]
WinVNC vs. KVM Extender? [2001/11/08]
PCs That Can Be Managed From a Serial Port? [2001/09/18]
SSH vs SSL/Telnet [ 2000/01/22]
Windows Host, Linux Client? [ 1999/09/04]
Slow Linux 2.2.x Telnet? [ 1999/07/14]
telnet(1) - user interface to the TELNET protocol {oss}
tip(1) - connect to a remote system {oss}
tn3270(1) - full-screen remote login to IBM VM/CMS {oss}
login(1) - log into the computer {oss}
cu(1) - Call up another system {oss}
uux(1) - Remote command execution over UUCP {oss}
rlogin(1) - remote login {oss}
rsh(1) - remote shell {oss}
rup(1) - remote status display {oss}
ruptime(1) - show host status of local machines {oss}
rusers(1) - who is logged in to machines on local network {oss}
rshd(8) - remote shell server {oss}
rexecd(8) - remote execution server {oss}
rlogind(8) - remote login server {oss}
nologin(8) - politely refuse a login {oss}
telnetd(8) - DARPA TELNET protocol server {oss}
uuxqt(8) - UUCP execution daemon {oss}
Dave's Telnet - dtelnet: A Free Telnet Client for Windows 3.1/95/NT Emulates terminal types 'linux' and 'vt100', talks protocols 'telnet' and 'login'. {(L)GPL}
Console Telnet for Win32 - Console telnet is a full screen (console) telnet client for MS Win32 environments. It supports ANSI (color) and VT100/102 (scores 91 on vttest). It has mouse, clipboard, and scrollback support, and can run full-screen or in a window. {(L)GPL}
Inetutils - is a distribution of common networking utilities and servers, including ftp, telnet, rsh, rlogin, tftp clients and servers. {GPL,GNU}
scanssh-1.60b - Scanssh scans a subnet and reports the version of SSH installed
zh-telnet-1.0 - 8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
tn5250-0.16.3_1 - 5250 Telnet protocol and Terminal
tn3270-4.4 - Full-screen remote login to IBM VM/CMS
telserv-1.0 - A telnet server analogous to the unix talk command
slush-0.1.1 - A telnet-like application which uses a secure SSL channel
sshbuddy-1.05 - Simple and small GUI utility to manage ssh sessions
mindterm-binary-1.2.1 - A full vt220 compatible Java SSH client (not only for website)
kssh-0.4.1_2 - KDE frontend to ssh
wapsh-1.0_1 - A system to allow remote shell logins via a WAP phone or web browser
tits-1.0.2 - A server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
fsh-1.2_1 - Fast remote command execution
keychain-1.9 - A user-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
mussh-0.4 - A tool for easily running the same commands on multiple hosts
proxytunnel-1.0.6 - Connects stdin and stdout to an origin server through an HTTPS proxy
ssh-gui-0.7.1 - A front-end for ssh which can open multiple xterms
tightvnc-1.2.3 - Enhanced version of VNC
zssh-1.5a_1 - Allows you to tunnel a ssh connection over the zmodem protocol
boclient-1.21 - Client program for the Back Orifice Windows program
rshell-1.0 - A front end for rsh(1) and rcp(1).
SSLtelnet-0.13 - SSL enhanced telnet/telnetd
telnetx-940401 - Telnet client with binary transfer protocols support
vnc- - Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
ztelnet-1.0.p3 - Telnet program with zmodem transfer
citrix_ica-6.20.973 - Citrix(R) client for the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server
conserver-8.5 - Manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
seyon-2.14b - A communications package for the X Window system.
queso-980922 - Determine the remote OS using simple tcp packets
nologin-1.0 - Refuse a login to a user, and make a note of it in syslog.
rtty-4.0 - Multiuser "tip"/"cu" replacement with logging
getty-enable - Getty on/off programs for 4.[23] BSD {oss}
S3uuque - Uuque for System III/V in C {oss}
rlogin - 4.2bsd rlogin enhancements {oss}
telnetd - Telnetd in the kernel {oss}
rlogin-hack - Enhanced BSD Rlogin to support environment passing {oss}
newgetty - Alternate getty front-end, with speed detection {oss}
rlogin.fix {oss}
telnetd.fix - telnetd in the kernel {oss}
uutty - Bidirectional getty/login for SystemV {oss}
lb - a load balancing interface to "rsh" {oss}
perfs - A tool that helps dispatching processes over a network {GPL}
WebRSH - Web-based computing shell {GPL}
minicom - Serial communication program {GPL}
rungetty - Minimal virtual console getty capable of running arbitrary programs {GPL}
The Java Telnet Applet - Fully featured telnet program for WWW-Browsers {GPL}
openssh - Free open source implementation of SSH1 and SSH2 for *BSD, Linux and commercial UNIX. Produced by the OpenBSD developers.
Queue - Innovative load-balancing/batch-processing system and rsh replacement {GPL}
Timbuktu Pro Multiplatform Remote Control Software (2-pack)
ktelnet-2.0.43 - A Frontend for telnet, rlogin, ssh in K Desktop Environment
kvncviewer - VNCviewer for the KDE Project [X] {GPL}
Remote Command v.99 - Script to allow remote commands to run via http web interface {freely distributable}
fsh - Fast and secure remote command execution. {GPL}
mgetty - Intelligent getty and fax support {freely distributable}
ssh - Remote Login Program {free for non-commercial use}
Apple Remote Desktop (10-Client)
stel.tgz - Secure Telnet, encrypted version of the telnet daemon
ControlIt Advanced Edition 5.0 (5 License Pack)
ControlIt Advanced Edition 5.0 (10 License Pack)
ControlIt Advanced Edition 5.0 (25 License Pack)
ControlIt Advanced Edition 5.0 (100 License Pack)
Timbuktu Pro Multiplatform Remote Control Software (10-pack)
Timbuktu Pro for Remote Control Software (2-pack)
Timbuktu Pro Multiplatform Remote Control Software (30-pack)
Timbuktu Pro for Mac OS Remote Control Sofware One License
Timbuktu Pro Remote Control Software (10-pack)
p5-Net-SSH-Perl-1.23 - Perl5 module implements both the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
p5-Net-Telnet-3.02 - Perl5 module to access and use telnet protocol
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See also: Local Process Creation and Control - (starting and controlling child and peer processes)
See also: Remote Process Communication - Methods of communicating to remote processes. Remote Procedure Calls, sockets, data format translation, et al
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(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/network/telnet/ - telnet variants
freshmeat.net : Topic : Terminals : Telnet
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