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RFC1756 REMOTE WRITE PROTOCOL - VERSION 1.0. [c. 1995/01/01]
RFC1703 Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain: Radio Paging -- Technical Procedures. [c. 1994/10/01]
RFC1312 Message Send Protocol 2. [c. 1992/04/01]
RFC1159 Message Send Protocol. [ 1990/06/01]
Instant Messaging: No Longer Just Chat ( Sixto Ortiz ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-03)
Keeping Non-Corporate Instant-Messaging Alive? [2001/11/06]
SMS vs. E-mail? [2001/07/01]
Instant Messaging Standards that Avoid SPAM? [2001/04/29]
Suggestions For Pagers? [ 2000/09/29]
Secure Instant Messaging Systems? [ 2000/09/23]
Alternatives To Microsoft Passport? [ 2000/07/06]
Unified Instant Messaging Clients? [ 1999/12/16]
Secure Real-time Communication? [ 1999/09/29]
Alternatives to TiK? [ 1999/09/04]
Whatever happened to JABBER ? [ 1999/07/05]
Are there Linux Alternatives for AOL's Instant Messenger? [ 1998/12/30]
mesg(1) - display (do not display) messages from other users {oss}
rwall(1) - send a message to users logged on a host {oss}
wall(1) - write a message to users {oss}
write(1) - send a message to another user {oss}
rwalld rpc.rwalld(8) - write messages to users currently logged in server {oss}
jaim - blah blah. jaim is an aol instant messenger client written in perl for the console! {BSD-like}
aimbot - An automated service for AOL Instant Messenger with several useful (?) features. {(L)GPL}
Kit AIM Client - AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) client for KDE 2 {(L)GPL}
esms -- send SMS to mobile phones - esms is a simple program to send SMS (short messages) to mobile phones. It'll split big messages into many fragments, which are later sent with error control. {(L)GPL}
Net::Jabber - This is a set of Perl modules that allow you to access the Jabber Instant Messaging. These modules provide you access to creating/receiving messages, writing clients, add Jabber to an existing application, or writing a Transport/Agent for a Jabber ser {(L)GPL}
kxicq2-0.0.6 - ICQ client for KDE2
gtk+licq-0.51_1 - Gtk+ plugin for licq
gicq-0.33 - GTK based ICQ program
ja-gicq-0.33 - GTK based ICQ program
licq-base-1.0.4 - A popular ICQ-compatible plugin-based program
micq- - Text-based ICQ implementation
ja-micq-0.4.3 - Text-based ICQ implementation
licq-console-1.0.4 - Ncurses-based console plugin for Licq
p5-LJ-TextMessage-1.4.1 - Perl5 interface to send text messages to phones/pagers
hx-0.7.14 - A text based Hotline (http://www.bigredh.com) client for Unix
xmsg-1.0 - The X11R4 version of xmessage updated for X11R5 and renamed
gmessage-0.2 - Gtk+ clone of xmessage. displays a given text in a X11 window
everybuddy-0.2.1b6 - A "chat" program that combines AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo! Chat into one
aim-1.5.234 - AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM) client
ari-yahoo-1.9 - A console Yahoo! messenger client
fugu-1.1.8 - A graphical client for the Gale instant messaging system
gabber-0.8.6_1 - Gabber: The GNOME Jabber Client
gale-0.99e - A secure instant messaging system
icqmail-1.2_1 - A simple ICQ->Email gateway
kannel-1.0.3 - WAP / SMS Gateway
orville-write-2.53 - Advanced replacement for write/mesg
sms_client-3.0.2 - A simple UNIX SMS client to send messages to phones or pagers
smssend-2.9 - A tool to send a SMS to any GSM
spat-1.0 - A lightweight Intranet Messaging Application for GNOME desktop
ymessenger-0.93.0 - Yahoo! Messenger - Instant messaging client
msend-3.0 - A client and server for the RFC1312 message protocol
licq-base-1.1.0-20020312 - A popular ICQ-compatible plugin-based program
gnugadu-0.2.0 - A GaduGadu client for X11/GTK
ickle-0.2.2 - ICQ2000 protocol implementation
kinkatta-1.01 - An AOL instant messenger client for KDE
licq-qt-gui-1.0.4 - Qt plugin for licq
kmsn-0.2 - An MSN instant messaging client for KDE
pl-sms-1.8.9h - Send SMS to cellular phones in Poland (Idea, ERA, Plus)
ko-gaim-0.57 - Gtk+ open-source 'clone' of AOL's Instant Messenger client
vicq-0.4.1 - A text-based ICQ implementation
rmsg-1.64 - A network messaging system.
tik-0.89 - A Tcl/Tk based AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Chat Client
zh-cless-290 - A better pager utility (and it speaks Chinese)
qpage-3.2 - SNPP client/server for sending messages to an alphanumeric pager.
yaps-0.96 - Yet Another Pager Software: send messages to pager (SMS, TAP, ...)
nwrite-1.9.2 - Improved, recipient configureable replacement for /usr/bin/write
licq-0.61.tgz - ICQ clone for UNIX
licq-0.61.tgz - ICQ clone for UNIX
Cooledit - Full featured text editor for the X Window System {x,GPL}
SMS Client - Command line based utility which allows you to send SMS messages {GPL}
zICQ - A console ICQ clone based on mICQ. {GPL}
cicq - A command-line based icq client {GPL}
Clicq - Console based ICQ Clone {GPL}
Jabber - Instant Messaging Platform {GPL}
KXicq - The KDE ICQ clone {x,GPL}
mail2sms - Convert a mail to a short message {GPL}
Praya - Unified, flexible, extendable, simple, universal messaging client. {x,GPL}
GTKYahoo - GTK based Yahoo! Pager client {x,GPL}
LinPopup - Linux port of Winpopup, running over Samba. {x,GPL}
gaim - GTK based AOL Instant Messenger {x,GPL}
gtkmotd - Displays message of the day in an X window {x,GPL}
SMSLink - Client/server gateway to the SMS protocol {GPL}
Micq - Publically available ICQ clone for the console
tnt-1.9.1 - Amateur packet radio terminal program for TNC2, AEA PK232 and PK88 { }
CommuniGate Pro - Industry-standard internet messaging server {Free Trial}
GHX - GTK clone of the Hotline software {Shareware}
NetPlug - extensible network client {x,unknown}
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) {x,unknown}
bip - Send messages to pagers using the Internet {Freeware}
naim-0.11.2 - Curses based AOL Instant Messager implementation
KiT {OpenSource}
GtkICQ - GtkICQ is a clone of Mirabilis' ICQ program based on Gtk/GNOME [X] {GPL}
licq-0.61.tgz - ICQ clone for UNIX
HCP - A protocol for every form of human communication over networks [X] {GPL}
libfaim - Library used for building AOL Instant Messenger clients of any sort; handles all the low-level protocol issues letting the client just implement a user inferface. Compiles on most UNIXes, Linux, as well as Win32. {(L)GPL}
firetalk-0.0.11 - A multi-protocol chat/instant messaging library
p5-Net-ICQ2000-0.2.1 - A perl5 module for ICQv7 protocol realisation
libicq-0.33 - Library to add ICQ communication support to your software
libkmsn-0.1 - KDE-based library to provide instant messaging API for MSN
libwnck-0.8 - Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
libicq-0.33.tgz - library to add ICQ support to your software
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Real-Time Conferencing - real-time (multi-directional) discussion and data transfer, including Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Internet Phone, Videoconferencing
Up to Person to Person Communications - Interpersonal Communications. IRC, BBS, email, paging, write, talk
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