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Stdio Stream file operations

Buffered access of files and devices. fopen, fputc, fgetc, et al.
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Information and Publications: Showing

David Nugent's iostreams (C++) tutorial

See Also

Full List of Information

Other references not displayed here

Questions and Answers: Showing

How can I recover the file name given an open file descriptor? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

What's wrong with the code "char c; while((c = getchar()) != EOF) ..."? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Why won't the code " while(!feof(infp)) { fgets(buf, MAXLINE, infp); fputs(buf, outfp); } '' work? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

My program's prompts and intermediate output don't always show up on the screen. []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Why does everyone say not to use gets()? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

What's the difference between fgetpos/fsetpos and ftell/fseek? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Will fflush(stdin) flush unread characters from the standard input stream? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

I'm trying to update a file in place, by using fopen mode "r+", but it's not working. []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can I redirect stdin or stdout from within a program? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Once I've used freopen, how can I get the original stream back? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can I read a binary data file properly? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

Unix Programming FAQ How to manage multiple connections? []

At Unix Programming FAQ

How can I redirect stderr? []

At comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ at MIT
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/msdos-programmer-faq/part3 (At comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ at faqs.org)

How can I tell if input, output, or stderr has been redirected? []

At comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ at MIT
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/msdos-programmer-faq/part2 (At comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ at faqs.org)

Questions and Answers

Others not displayed here
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Libraries and Components: Showing

stdio (3) - standard input/output library functions {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fopen fdopen freopen (3) - stream open functions {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[IEEE Std1003.1-1988 (``POSIX'').] [ANSI C X3.159-1989]

funopen fropen fwopen (3) - open a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

fclose (3) - close a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

getdtablesize (3) - get descriptor table size {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD

clearerr feof ferror fileno (3) - check and reset stream status {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[IEEE Std1003.1-1990 (``POSIX'').] [ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fflush fpurge (3) - flush a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

setbuf setbuffer setlinebuf setvbuf (3) - stream buffering operations {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fputc putc putchar putw (3) - output a character or word to a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fputs puts (3) - output a line to a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

printf fprintf sprintf snprintf asprintf asnprintf vprintf vfprintf vsprintf vsnprintf vasprintf vansprintf (3) - formatted output conversion {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fgetc getc getchar getw (3) - get next character or word from input stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

ungetc (3) - un-get character from input stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fread fwrite (3) - binary stream input/output {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

scanf fscanf sscanf vscanf vsscanf vfscanf (3) - input format conversion {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fgetln (3) - get a line from a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

fgets gets (3) - get a line from a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

fgetpos fseek fsetpos ftell rewind (3) - reposition a stream {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

ioctl (2) - control device {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
p5-Ioctl-0.81 - Perl module that provides a way to get the value of C ioctl constants (At FreeBSD Ports)

p5-File-Slurp-98.071901 - Perl5 module for single call read & write file routines

At FreeBSD Ports
File::Slurp - reads and writes files with single commands. (At CPAN)

p5-File-Sync-0.09 - Perl5 module interface to the UNIX sync(2) and POSIX.1b fsync(2)

At FreeBSD Ports
File::Sync - Implements fsync() and sync(), which make sure that your computer and its disks are...in sync. (At CPAN)

p5-File-Tools-2.0 - Perl5 module for several file operations: Copy, Recurse and Tools

At FreeBSD Ports
File::Tools - A wrapper around the File::Copy and File::Recurse module. (At CPAN)

p5-IO-stringy-2.108 - Perl5 module for using IO handles with non-file objects

At FreeBSD Ports
p5-IO-stringy-1.216 - Perl class for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays (At NetBSD packages collection)

sfio-1999 - The Safe/Fast I/O Library

At FreeBSD Ports
Safe and Fast IO library (At NetBSD packages collection)

Ntstream.H,Ntstream.Cpp - Share-aware C++ file streams {oss}

At snippets.org

Pfopen.C - Open a file anywhere {oss}

At snippets.org

Redirect.C - Redirect standard streams {oss}

At snippets.org

Xfile.H, Xfile.C, Xtest.C - Martin Maney's fast line buffered file input {oss}

At snippets.org

Getstrng.C - Safe gets() for input string of unknown length {oss}

At snippets.org

Addhndls.C - Allow more than 20 open files under DOS 3+ {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Favail.C - How many more files may be fopen'ed? {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Files.C - Determine number of FILE set in CONFIG.SYS {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Iscons.C - Does a FILE * refer to the console? {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Isfopen.C - Is a FILE * in use? {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Errfix.C - Redirect stderr to a file {oss}

At snippets.org

Errfix.C - Redirect stderr to a file {oss,msdos}

At snippets.org

Ioctl - This module gives your program an easy way of accessing the ioctl (input output control) constants. Only useful on Unix computers.


Libraries and Functions

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Related Subjects (default selections)

(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)

See also Low level file and device operations - " Unbuffered " access of files and devices. (ioctl, fcntl, /dev, et al)

See also File Access - Operations affecting a file as a whole. (delete files, rename, truncate, etc.)

See also Directory Access - Accessing directories of files, browsing, management, et al.

File Access Limits - Limiting access to files (permissions, locking, et al)

Up to File System Access - Gateway topic to file system (files and directory) access and operations.

(There may be additional related subject pages listed here)

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