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Real-Time related - time of day, elapsed time, sleeping, waiting for events. time(), gmtime(), localtime(), etc.
Calendar and Time of Day - Calendar and Time of Day (conversions, manipulations, etc)
Hard-world Sensing and Measurement - Sensing the physical world. Data acquisition, measurement equipment, et al
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comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 1/5
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt FAQ Version 20 (modified 06/18/97)
Best Power UPS Distributes Source Code
New I/O Technologies Seek to End Bottlenecks ( George Lawton ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-06)
Toward a New Generation of Simpler PCs ( David Clark ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1999-12)
Extending PCI Performance Beyond the Desktop ( Shlomo Weiss, Ehud Finkelstein ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1999-06)
Simplicity and Power: When More Means Less ( Darren Dalcher ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1999-05)
How the PC Will Disappear ( Brian Halla ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1998-12)
FireWire Finally Comes Home ( Charles Severance ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1998-11)
Designs for the Computers of Tomorrow ( Douglas W. Westcott ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1998-04)
Fibre Channel: A connection to the future ( Clint Jurgens ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-08)
PowerPC 601 and Alpha 21064: A Tale of Two RISCs ( ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-06)
Container shipping: operating system support for I/O-intensive applications ( Joseph Pasquale, Eric Anderson, P. Keith Muller ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-03)
The Alloc Stream Facility: a redesign of application-level stream I/O ( Orran Krieger, Michael Stumm, Ron Unrau ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-03)
The I/O subsystem/spl minus/a candidate for improvement ( Yale N. Patt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-03)
Fundamentals of Bar Code Information Theory ( Theo Pavlidis, Jerome Swartz, Ynjiun P. Wang ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1990-04)
A Hierarchical Taxonomic System for Computer Architectures ( Subrata Dasgupta ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1990-03)
How do I send escape sequences to control a terminal or other device? []
How do I use BIOS calls? How can I write ISR's? How can I create TSR's? []
Unix Programming FAQ How can I tell how much memory my system has? []
Mutant USB K(V)M Switches? [2002/04/18]
Flash and Open Source [2002/04/15]
Open Flash/EEPROM/EPROM Writers? [2002/04/03]
Making Computer Cases out of Plexiglass? [2002/03/15]
Liquid Nitrogen Cooling at Home? [2002/03/06]
ACPI Forced On & Option Disabled in WinXP-Certified Motherboards [2002/03/06]
Underclocking for a Quiet Machine? [2002/02/26]
Mini-PC w/o Fans? [2002/02/18]
Weird PC Clock Behavior? [2002/02/04]
Where Can You Buy Refurbished Hardware, Now? [2002/01/15]
Wireless Peripherals? [2002/01/07]
Water Cooling and Fishtanks? [2001/12/25]
Affordable Mag-Stripe Card Readers for Linux? [2001/12/12]
Websites that Track PC Hardware Failure Rates? [2001/12/09]
Can Linux Support a PCI Expansion Chassis? [2001/11/30]
Stable 2.2.x Linux Kernels and Older i386 Boxen? [2001/11/28]
Firewire and Linux? [2001/11/14]
The Death of DOS and BIOS Updates? [2001/11/09]
Building Custom Rackmount Systems? [2001/11/09]
Computer Desks and UPS's? [2001/11/01]
Using Commodity Hardware in Laboratories? [2001/10/27]
Convincing Companies into Donating Old Computers? [2001/10/16]
Parallel Port I/O Access Under Win2K? [2001/10/15]
Squeezing 160G on to ATA Motherboards [2001/10/02]
Blown Motherboard from ATA-100 Cables? [2001/09/29]
Who Makes the Best Power Supplies? [2001/09/14]
Do Modern PCs Need Swap Space? [2001/09/14]
Leveraging Cheap PC Hardware? [2001/08/18]
Rackmounting at Home? [2001/07/07]
Cases w/ Knockouts Up-To 10 I/O Ports? [2001/06/28]
Protecting Computers From Lightning? [2001/06/26]
Hacking A PC Around The Sun PCI IIPro? [2001/06/19]
What Devices Produce the Largest Power Draw in PCs? [2001/06/08]
Connecting AT Power Supplies to ATX Motherboards? [2001/06/04]
Building Quieter Computers [2001/06/04]
Measuring Power Consumption? [2001/06/03]
Water-Cooling Kits as Temp. Control for Photography? [2001/06/02]
Fitting 2 PCI Cards into a 1U Case? [2001/06/01]
Hardening PCs for Hostile Environments? [2001/05/30]
Libraries for PC Settings? [2001/05/28]
Motherboards With More Slots Sought [2001/05/28]
Neon Light Kits and Computer Interference? [2001/05/18]
Determining Necessary Power Requirements for PCs? [2001/05/14]
Why Haven't UPSes Been Integrated w/ PC Power Supplies? [2001/05/04]
Enabling the "Disabled" Card Interfaces? [2001/05/04]
RJ45/11 Crimpers & Punchdown Tools for the Road? [2001/04/29]
What is Ultra DMA? [2001/04/29]
Why Aren't PC Power Supplies External? [2001/04/25]
DC Power Supply for Desktop Computers? [2001/04/17]
Rack Mount Systems for the Home Experimenter? [2001/04/12]
Matching Battery Backup "Waveshape" to the Right Equipment? [2001/04/06]
Energy Efficient PC's? [2001/04/03]
Sun PCI II Coprocessor Support for Linux? [2001/03/30]
Quiet Laptop Fan? [2001/03/23]
Mag-Stripe Devices for a LAN? [2001/03/23]
Is MiniDisc Dead? [ 2000/11/05]
Will 'PowerNow' Cause Trouble in Linux? [ 2000/10/26]
USB Hard Drive Recommendations? [ 2000/10/24]
Do Overclocked CPUs Need a "Burn In" Period? [ 2000/10/23]
Why Do We Still Use Clock Frequencies? [ 2000/10/10]
'Case-less' Rackmounts and Multi-Machine Power Supplies? [ 2000/10/09]
Reading Punch Cards on Today's Hardware? [ 2000/10/08]
IBM's PowerPC Motherboard Design? [ 2000/09/29]
More Information on Total mPOWER? [ 2000/09/24]
Shielding An HD From Excessive Vibrations? [ 2000/09/12]
Front Ports for PCs? [ 2000/09/09]
IDE Co-Processors? [ 2000/08/29]
Accurate Methods For Benchmarking Hardware? [ 2000/08/26]
Upgrading A Headless Server? [ 2000/08/20]
Why Faster CPUs? What About SMP? [ 2000/08/18]
Global PC-What's Under the Hood? [ 2000/08/18]
Who Is The Best Vender For Rackmount Unix Systems? [ 2000/08/16]
What's Apple's Legal Basis For Blocking Cube Previews? [ 2000/08/08]
Donating Antique Computers To Museums? [ 2000/08/04]
Electrical Grounding in ATX Cases? [ 2000/08/01]
Firewire Support On 'Alternative OSes'? [ 2000/07/28]
Writing Drivers For Multiple Operating Systems? [ 2000/04/11]
Hardware ATA/66 Controllers and Installing Linux [ 2000/03/09]
CPU Heat w/ Distributed.Net Client? [ 2000/03/03]
Dual vs. Single Processors [ 2000/03/01]
What is the AMR slot? [ 2000/01/22]
How do I get MS-DOS parallel port code to run on NetBSD/i386? [ 2000/01/01]
Celeron 466 - Good Or Bad? [ 1999/12/17]
Linux Drivers for Silitek's SM-1000 IR Remote? [ 1999/11/11]
Ultra-Quiet Linux Boxes? [ 1999/11/11]
Tip of the month: Sometimes it is the hardware [ 1999/10/01]
Processor Upgrade for an Old Notebook? [ 1999/09/26]
Pentiums, socklets, and Coppermine, Oh My! [ 1999/08/29]
Athlon Motherboards? [ 1999/08/08]
ULTRA66/DMA mode 4 in Linux? [ 1999/07/25]
Motherboard Memory Limitations [ 1999/07/18]
Didn't you make up a little bit of history (specifically, the death of the DEC 'Tulip' chips) in your January column? [ 1999/07/01]
Wooden Chasis and EMF [ 1999/06/16]
Intercepting the Reset Button [ 1999/06/10]
Controlling PCI Drivers [ 1999/06/10]
Whatever happened to PulseBox ? [ 1999/05/07]
Finding Quad Pentium II Motherboards? [ 1999/04/07]
Tip of the month [ 1999/04/01]
Is SMP worth it? [ 1999/03/09]
Suggestions for Motherboard Supporting K6/K6-2 [ 1999/01/18]
Call for thoughts on the Thrustmaster Fragmaster [ 1999/01/08]
What's a good motherboard for SMP Linux [ 1998/12/10]
Why do Intel x86 Chips Run so Hot? [ 1998/12/08]
How do you produce BUS errors? [ 1998/11/29]
How can I tell if my program is running on a PS/2-style machine. []
Are there any good on-line references for PC hardware components? []
mt eject(1) - magnetic tape and removable media manipulating program {oss}
tcopy(1) - copy and/or verify mag tapes {oss}
chio(1) - medium changer control utility {oss}
iostat(8) - report I/O statistics {oss}
rdconfig(8) - configure RAM disks {oss}
rmt(8) - remote magtape protocol module {oss}
vmstat(8) - report virtual memory statistics {oss}
apm(8) - Advanced Power Management control program {oss}
UPnP SDK for Linux - The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK for Linux provides support for building UPnP-compliant control points, devices, and bridges on Linux. {BSD-like}
p5-Net-Wake-0.01 - Send Wake On Lan (WOL) packets to power on computers
birda-0.8 - Bohlin's IrDA utilities, ported from NetBSD's pkgsrc
acpicatools-20020404.0 - Some utilities for Intel ACPICA (Debugger, ASL Compiler and etc.).
wol-0.6.0_1 - Wake On LAN client
bundle - Buffered copy to/from physical devices {oss}
everex-led - LED driver for Everex Step machines {oss}
COSA - Linux driver and tools for the COSA and SRP synchronous serial boards {GPL}
lpswitch - Control devices connected to a pport-relais-card {PD}
pioct - Controls Pioneer HiFi equipment from the commandline {PD}
The Linux/IR Project - Linux IrDA implementation {GPL}
MTX - program for controlling the robotic mechanism of DDS autoloaders {GPL}
Linux joystick driver - Provides Linux support for joysticks {GPL}
EAPSampler - A driver for Aug1996 Electronics Australia Pocket Sampler Kit {GPL}
comedi - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface {GPL}
i8255 - i8255 (digital I/O) kernel module {GPL}
Joy2Key - Translate joystick movements into keyboard events (X and console) {GPL}
PCI Utilities - Utilities for diagnostics and cofiguration of PCI devices {GPL}
isapnptools - ISA plug and play configuration utility {GPL}
lirc - Linux Infra-red Remote Control {GPL}
bpowerd - UPS line monitor daemon for Best Patriot power supplies {GPL}
xhdbench - Qt-based X-program for testing the output speed of several devices {x,GPL}
FireWire Subsystem - IEEE 1394 Support for Linux {free to use but restricted}
uusbd - USB Support for Linux {free to use but restricted}
plextor-tool - tool for querying and setting options of Plextor CD-ROM drives {Freeware}
Net Lightning - x-10 device control server for Linux and OS/2 {Freeware}
gpnpconf - Perl/Gtk applet for Plug 'n' Play device configuration [X] {GPL}
wmToshiba.app - WindowMaker dock app. to control the fan on Toshiba laptops. [X] {GPL}
apc-upsd.tgz - UPS software for APC UPS models
apc-upsd.tgz - UPS software for APC ups models.
Linux PnP driver - Plug and Play driver for Linux {GPL}
Intel.H - Header for x86 hardware functions {oss}
Cpuid.Asm - Determine type of CPU/coprocessor in use {oss}
8087_Sav.Asm - Saves/restores 80x87 environment {oss}
Os_Id.Txt,Os_Id.C - Description of OS_ID.C functions {oss}
Dspdtst.C - I/O benchmark - Miscrosoft/Borland/Symantec/Watcom/Mix {oss}
Dspdtst.Out - Results from DSPDTST on my machine {oss}
MasterSwitch Secure Outlet Manager - CGI interface to the MasterSwitch with unique logins to each outlet. {GPL}
devname (3) - get device name {oss}
opendev (3) - short form device open routine {oss}
open (2) - open or create a file for reading or writing {oss}
poll (2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing {oss}
revoke (2) - revoke file access {oss}
read readv (2) - read input {oss}
write writev (2) - write output {oss}
ioctl (2) - control device {oss}
getpagesize (3) - get system page size {oss}
sysctl (3) - get or set system information {oss}
i386_get_ioperm i386_set_ioperm (2) - manage i386 per-process I/O permission bitmap {oss}
i386_get_ldt i386_set_ldt (2) - manage i386 per-process Local Descriptor Table entries {oss}
reboot (2) - reboot system or halt processor {oss}
sysarch (2) - architecture-depenent system call {oss}
swapon (2) - add a swap device for interleaved paging/swapping {oss}
cfgetispeed cfsetispeed cfgetospeed cfsetospeed cfsetspeed cfmakeraw tcgetattr tcsetattr (3) - manipulating the termios structure {oss}
Pchwio.H,Pchwio.C - Hardware I/O portability functions {oss,msdos}
Biport.H.Biport.C - Header to port orland _geninterrupt() {oss,msdos}
Joystick.C - Joystick support functions {oss,msdos}
Fndislot.C - Locate an unused user interrupt vector {oss,msdos}
Towitoko Smartcard Drivers - Drivers for Towitoko's ChipDrives {LGPL}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
See also: Local machine and Operating System Information - (kernel topics, uname, boot, shutdown, et al)
Communication Implementation - (low level implementation, multicast, ppp, slip, wrappers,firewalls, et al)
Textual User Interfaces - Text and Character-oriented user interfaces
Graphical User Interfaces - including window managers, screen savers, et al.
See also: Serial I/O - Serial port use.
See also: Terminal I/O - TTY (character based display and keyboard) and related routines.
See also: File System Information - Obtaining information of the filesystem as a whole. Status of disk subsystems, capacity, etc.
See also: Low level file and device operations - " Unbuffered " access of files and devices. (ioctl, fcntl, /dev, et al)
See also: Curses - Curses (Library for text display interfaces)
External Categories |
Computers : Hardware : Peripherals :
Computers : Software : Bar Code :
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Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Hardware:Peripherals:Cable Modems
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Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Hardware:Peripherals:Modems
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/hardware/ - non-kernel support for peripheral hardware
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/hardware/drivers/ - user-space drivers for various kinds of hardware
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/kernel/misc-cards/ - miscellaneous device-card drivers
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/hardware/ - hardware configuration utilities for your system
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/network/drivers/ - support for drivers (look in patches for drivers)
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/power/ - tools for power management on portables
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/system/ups/ - daemons for UPS monitoring
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/hardware/ - stuff to allow kde to interface with your hardware
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