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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD Others

IPSEND(1)                                               IPSEND(1)

       ipsend - sends IP packets

       ipsend  [ -dITUv ] [ -i <interface> ] [ -f <offset> ] [ -g
       <gateway> ] [ -m <MTU> ] [ -o <option> ] [ -P <protocol> ]
       [  -s <source> ] [ -t <dest. port> ] [ -w <window> ] <des-
       tination> [TCP-flags]

       ipsend can be compiled in two ways.  The first is used  to
       send  one-off packets to a destination host, using command
       line options to specify various attributes present in  the
       headers.   The  destination must be given as the last com-
       mand line option, except for when TCP flags are  specified
       as a combination of A, S, F, U, P and R, last.

       The  other  way it may be compiled, with DOSOCKET defined,
       is to allow an attempt at making a TCP connection using  a
       with  ipsend  resending  the SYN packet as per the command
       line options.

       -d     enable debugging mode.

       -f <offset>
              The -f allows the IP offset field in the IP  header
              to be set to an arbitrary value, which can be spec-
              ified in decimal or hexadecimal.

       -g <gateway>
              Specify the hostname of the gateway  through  which
              to  route  packets.   This is required whenever the
              destination host isn't  directly  attached  to  the
              same network as the host from which you're sending.

       -i <interface>
              Set the interface name to be the name supplied.

       -m <MTU>
              Specify the MTU to be used when sending  out  pack-
              ets.   This  option  allows  you to set a fake MTU,
              allowing the simulation of network interfaces  with
              small MTU's without setting them so.

       -o <option>
              Specify options to be included at the end of the IP
              header.  An EOL option  is  automatically  appended
              and  need  not  be  given.  If an option would also
              have data associated with it (source as an IP#  for
              a  lsrr option), then this will not be initialised.


IPSEND(1)                                               IPSEND(1)

       -s <source>
              Set the source address in the packet to  that  pro-
              vided - maybe either a hostname or IP#.

       -t <dest.port>
              Set the destination port for TCP/UDP packets.

       -w <window>
              Set the window size for TCP packets.

       -I     Set the protocol to ICMP.

       -P <protocol>
              Set the protocol to the value given.  If the param-
              eter is a name,  the  name  is  looked  up  in  the
              /etc/protocols file.

       -T     Set the protocol to TCP.

       -U     Set the protocol to UDP.

       -d     enable verbose mode.

       ipsend(1), ipresend(1), iptest(1), protocols(4), bpf(4)

       Needs to be run as root.

       If  you  find  any,  please  send  email  to  me  at  dar-


Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for ipsend(1)
OpenBSD sources for ipsend(1)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Communication Debugging - Status, tracing, and debugging communications and protocols.

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD Others

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