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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD Others

APM(8)                  OpenBSD System Manager's Manual                 APM(8)

     apm - Advanced Power Management control program

     zzz [-S] [-z] [-f sockname]
     apm [-z] [-S] [-s] [-l] [-b] [-a] [-v] [-f sockname]

     apm communicates with the Advanced Power Management daemon, apmd(8),
     making requests of it for current power status or to place the system in-
     to a suspend or stand-by state.  With no flags, apm displays the current
     power management state in verbose form.

     Available command-line flags are:
     -z      Put the system into suspend (deep sleep) mode.
     -S      Put the system into stand-by (light sleep) mode.
     -l      Display the estimated battery lifetime (in percent).
     -b      Display the battery status.  0 means high, 1 means low, 2 means
             critical, 3 means charging, 4 means absent, and 255 means un-
     -a      Display the external charger (A/C status).  0 means disconnected,
             1 means connected, 2 means backup power source, and 255 means un-
     -v      Request more verbose description of the displayed states.
     -f sockname
             Set the name of the socket via which to contact apmd(8) to

     The zzz variant on this command is an alternative for suspending the sys-
     tem.  With no arguments, apm places the system into suspend mode.  The
     command line flags serve the same purpose as for the apm variant of this

     This command does not wait for positive confirmation that the requested
     mode has been entered; to do so would mean the command does not return
     until the system resumes from its sleep state.

     /var/run/apmdev is the default UNIX-domain socket used for communication
     with apm(8).  The -f flag may be used to specify an alternate socket
     name.  The protection modes on this socket govern which users may access
     the APM functions.

     apmd(8),  apm(4).

     Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS Interface Specification (revision
     1.1), Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation

     The apm command appeared in OpenBSD 1.2.

OpenBSD                         March 18, 1996                               1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for apm(8)
OpenBSD sources for apm(8)

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